"Mean People Fail: The Connection Between Success and Kindness"


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 26, 2023

4 min read


"Mean People Fail: The Connection Between Success and Kindness"

It is often said that nice guys finish last, but when it comes to true success, being mean may actually be a hindrance rather than an advantage. This realization struck me recently as I reflected on the most successful people I know and noticed a common theme - they are all genuinely good people.

One observation that stood out to me was how consistently successful startup founders turned out to be good people, while consistently bad people failed as startup founders. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, one of which is the detrimental effect of being mean on one's cognitive abilities.

When we engage in fights and conflicts, our focus narrows down to the immediate situation at hand. We lose sight of the bigger picture and fail to consider alternative perspectives. As a result, our decision-making and problem-solving abilities suffer. In a startup environment, where innovation and adaptability are crucial, being mean simply doesn't allow for the necessary creativity and open-mindedness.

Winning in startups is not about attacking or tearing down others; it is about transcending the competition and creating something truly remarkable. Mean founders often struggle to inspire and motivate their team members because their behavior is off-putting. People are naturally drawn to leaders who exhibit kindness, empathy, and respect. The best talents are unlikely to be convinced to work for someone who is consistently mean, unless they possess exceptional persuasive skills.

Another interesting aspect is that the startup founders who end up achieving great wealth and success are not primarily driven by money. Instead, they are guided by a spirit of benevolence and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the world. History is filled with examples of successful individuals, such as mathematicians, writers, and artists, who were not ruthless in their pursuits. Their motivation stemmed from a passion for their craft and a genuine desire to contribute something meaningful.

Now, let's shift our focus to the world of literature and the question of whether a book is worth reading if its contents can be easily summarized. It is often said that if a book can be adequately summarized, it is not worth reading. However, I believe that the difficulty of summarizing a book actually indicates its value.

When we find it challenging to summarize a book we have read, it suggests that the book is rich in depth, complexity, and thought-provoking ideas. The more we read and digest, the more connections and patterns we discover. It is through this process of connecting the dots that we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the content we consume.

Consider a book proposal, which is essentially a summary of a book that has yet to be written. It serves as the marketing copy, enticing readers to invest their time and money in the actual book. If the book's content could be perfectly summarized in a proposal, then there would be no need for the book itself. The true value lies in the exploration and journey that the book takes us on, beyond what can be captured in a brief summary.

Similarly, works of art are not just abstract concepts to be dissected and analyzed. They are meant to be experienced and felt. When we extract a piece of art from its context and place it under the harsh spotlight of attention, we alter its essence. The implicit messages and emotions it conveys become lost or distorted. To truly appreciate and understand a work of art, we must take the time to immerse ourselves in its entirety, allowing it to speak to us on a deeper level.

In conclusion, the connection between success and kindness is evident in both the business world and the realm of creativity. Mean people ultimately fail because their behavior hampers their cognitive abilities and their ability to attract and retain top talent. On the other hand, those who approach their endeavors with benevolence and a genuine desire to make a positive impact are more likely to achieve lasting success.

To apply these insights to our own lives, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Foster a spirit of kindness and empathy in all your interactions. Not only will this bring more fulfillment and happiness to your relationships, but it will also enhance your cognitive abilities and decision-making skills.
  • 2. Focus on the bigger picture. Avoid getting caught up in petty conflicts and instead strive to transcend the competition. By maintaining a broader perspective, you'll be better equipped to find innovative solutions and create something truly remarkable.
  • 3. Seek out experiences and content that challenge you to think deeply and connect the dots. Embrace the complexity and richness that comes with exploring diverse ideas and perspectives. The more you invest in expanding your intellectual horizons, the more valuable and rewarding your journey will become.

Remember, in the pursuit of success and personal growth, kindness and a thirst for knowledge will always be your greatest allies.

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