Understanding Zettelkasten — What it means to communicate with the slip-box


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 23, 2023

4 min read


Understanding Zettelkasten — What it means to communicate with the slip-box

Creativity is in connecting things, and in this sense, relations of relations matter to bring a new insight and idea to one's perspective. This concept of connecting ideas is at the core of the Zettelkasten method, developed by German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. Luhmann believed that the quality of a note is determined by the quality of its references, rather than its quantity. In other words, it's not about how many notes you have, but how effectively they are connected.

Luhmann considered referencing to be the crucial feature of his system. He believed that following the links through the web of thoughts will enrich our thinking with unexpected discoveries in a way that re-reading the content of separated notes never will. Therefore, references must be very selective and should represent contextual congruence between two notes. If two notes are just related but not contextually harmonious, their combination doesn’t carry greater meaning than their individual meanings.

This aspect is what distinguishes the Zettelkasten from a Wiki database. The Zettelkasten method encourages us to look for references that are unexpected and connect disparate thoughts. By doing so, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and potential future discoveries. It is important to think about the context in which two notes can be combined in a meaningful way. There is no point in finding an idea out of context that has no value to our current questions. Therefore, forming references around shared context, rather than general and broad concepts, is crucial.

"The communication with the slip box becomes rewarding only at a high level of generalization, specifically while unveiling relations of relations. And it becomes valuable only at the moment of observation, thus it is bound to a specific moment and is to a high degree accidental." This quote from Luhmann emphasizes the true value of the slip-box. It is when we combine ideas and take them to a higher level of abstraction that we can articulate an answer to our question. This is done by creating relations of relations, connecting previously unconnected ideas, and forming references that are relevant to our specific query.

Now, let's shift our focus to another topic - the personality of your product. When building social products, it is crucial that your customers describe your app as being fun. Fun is a basic feeling that you must achieve. However, the personality of your product goes beyond just being fun. It depends on the leader of your product team and the vision they have for the product.

To understand the personality of your product, start by picking a few words that come to mind. These words should encapsulate the essence of your product. But don't stop there, ask your teammates what they think as well. Their insights and perspectives can provide valuable input in shaping the personality of your product.

Just like in the Zettelkasten method, where connections and references are important, the personality of your product is also shaped by how it relates to its users. It's about creating an emotional connection with your audience and delivering an experience that resonates with them. This requires understanding their needs, desires, and preferences.

So, how can we bridge the concepts of Zettelkasten and the personality of a product? Both emphasize the importance of connections and relational thinking. In the Zettelkasten method, the goal is to connect ideas and uncover new insights. In product development, the goal is to connect with users on an emotional level and create a product that resonates with them.

Here are three actionable pieces of advice that can be applied to both areas:

  • 1. Be selective in your connections: Just as Luhmann advocated for selective references in the Zettelkasten method, be selective in the features and elements you incorporate into your product. Don't try to please everyone, instead focus on creating a cohesive and meaningful experience for your target audience.
  • 2. Think beyond the obvious: In both Zettelkasten and product development, the most valuable insights often come from unexpected connections. Don't be afraid to explore new ideas and make connections that may seem unrelated at first. This can lead to innovative solutions and unique experiences for your users.
  • 3. Embrace collaboration: Just as the personality of a product is influenced by the leader and the team behind it, the Zettelkasten method also benefits from collaboration. Seek input and feedback from others, whether it's your teammates or your users. Their perspectives can help you uncover new connections and improve the overall quality of your work.

In conclusion, both Zettelkasten and the personality of a product emphasize the importance of connections, references, and relational thinking. By embracing these concepts, we can unlock new insights, create meaningful experiences, and ultimately, enhance our overall understanding and impact. So, whether you're managing a slip-box or developing a product, remember the power of connections and the value they bring.

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