Finding Your Passion and Developing Your Writing Voice


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 05, 2023

4 min read


Finding Your Passion and Developing Your Writing Voice

In life, there are moments that shape our paths and guide us towards our true passions. Steve Jobs once said, "You've got to find what you love." He emphasized the importance of trusting in something, whether it's your gut, destiny, life, or karma. Jobs believed that the dots will eventually connect, and this belief has made all the difference in his life. He acknowledged that sometimes life can throw unexpected challenges at us, but loving what we do can keep us going.

This advice resonates not only in our personal lives but also in our professional endeavors. Jobs noted that our work fills a significant portion of our lives, and true satisfaction can only be achieved by doing what we believe is great work. The key to doing great work is to love what we do. If we haven't found our passion yet, Jobs encourages us to keep searching and not settle. He reminds us to ask ourselves, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" If the answer is consistently "No," it's a sign that we need to make a change.

Jobs further advises us to remember our mortality as a way to avoid getting trapped in the expectations and fears of others. He believed that when we realize that we have nothing to lose, we can courageously follow our hearts and intuition. Jobs encouraged us to live our lives authentically and not be swayed by external noise or opinions. He believed that our own inner voice and intuition already know what we truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Transitioning to the realm of writing, Tim Urban offers valuable advice on finding one's voice and style. Urban emphasizes the importance of consistent practice and experimentation. He wrote 300 blog posts before starting Wait But Why, allowing him to find his voice, tone, and style. He encourages aspiring writers to keep fiddling until it clicks, even if it means rewriting parts or starting over with a new approach.

Reading extensively is also crucial for writers. Urban likens it to fertilizer that nourishes our creativity. He suggests starting somewhere in the middle between imitating and innovating. By imitating writers we admire, we can learn from their style and technique. As we mature as writers, we can then find our own unique voice and contribute something the world has never seen before.

When receiving feedback on our writing, Urban advises us to be discerning about the source. The person giving feedback should genuinely believe in us, root for our success, and understand that we are still experimenting and finding our voice. It's the ideas behind the writing that hold greater importance than the quality of the writing itself. Having great ideas with pretty good writing is more valuable than the reverse.

In conclusion, finding our passion and developing our writing voice require trust, perseverance, and self-awareness. Steve Jobs teaches us to trust in the interconnectedness of our life's experiences and to follow our hearts. Tim Urban reminds us that writing is a journey of self-discovery, where experimentation and reading extensively play crucial roles. To apply these insights, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Explore different avenues: If you haven't found your passion yet, keep exploring different fields and activities. The more experiences you gather, the more likely you are to connect the dots backward and discover what truly ignites your enthusiasm.
  • 2. Embrace experimentation: Don't be afraid to try various writing styles and approaches. Allow yourself to imitate writers you admire and gradually find your own voice. Remember that it takes time and practice to develop your unique style.
  • 3. Seek valuable feedback: When receiving feedback on your writing, choose individuals who believe in your potential, support your growth, and understand that you are still discovering your voice. Prioritize feedback that focuses on the strength of your ideas rather than just the quality of your writing.

Ultimately, finding what you love and developing your writing voice are journeys that require patience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn and grow. Trust in the process, embrace experimentation, and stay true to yourself. As Steve Jobs famously said, "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

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