"Defensibility, Competition, and Embracing Your Inner Child: Navigating the Startup World and Finding Fulfillment"


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 19, 2023

4 min read


"Defensibility, Competition, and Embracing Your Inner Child: Navigating the Startup World and Finding Fulfillment"


In the fast-paced world of startups, achieving defensibility and standing out from the competition is crucial for long-term success. While some companies naturally possess defensibility from the start, many need to develop it over time. This article explores the various forms of defensibility, the importance of competition, and how embracing your inner child can lead to a more fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.

1. Network Effects and Platform Effects:

One of the most immediate forms of defensibility is through network effects. When a company launches and attracts a large user base, it becomes increasingly difficult for competitors to replicate the same level of engagement and value. Similarly, certain SaaS or operating system companies benefit from a platform effect, where integration with other products creates a sticky experience. For example, Salesforce's widespread integration makes it challenging for other companies to compete.

2. Bundling, Cross-Selling, and Unique Assets:

To prevent competitors from gaining a foothold, startups can bundle their products or cross-sell complementary offerings. This strategy not only enhances sales success but also improves interoperability, pricing, or procurement processes. Additionally, early access to APIs, data, or other unique assets can provide a competitive advantage. For instance, OpenAI granting early access to GPT-4 has given some companies an edge.

3. Sales as a Moat and System of Record:

Many SaaS or enterprise companies develop sales-driven moats over time. By having unique or proprietary data, owning customer data, or serving as a trusted system of record, these companies establish defensibility. Moreover, speed of iteration, execution, responsiveness to customer requests, and efficient hiring processes become advantages. Speed can also outpace other startups, as consistent execution at high levels is rare.

4. Thinking Small and Serving Customer Needs:

In the pursuit of defensibility, it's essential to remember that most good startup ideas are initially non-obvious and may appear small or niche. However, these ideas often address specific customer needs that larger incumbents overlook. Rather than solely focusing on defensibility, serving customers well and meeting their needs should be a top priority. Over time, defensibility may emerge through proprietary data sets, ingrained workflows, or other moats.

5. Constant Evolution and Pace of Execution:

To remain resilient against competition, startups must continuously build and expand their products after the initial launch. The pace of execution and ongoing shipping post-version 1 play a significant role in building defensibility. By consistently improving and iterating, startups can solidify their position in the market and make it challenging for others to commoditize their offerings.

Embracing Your Inner Child:

While defensibility and competition are vital for startup success, it's equally important to find personal fulfillment and purpose in your entrepreneurial journey. Snow Huo's inspiring story reminds us that life is short, and time is our most valuable asset. Sacrificing our true passions for the sake of conventional success can leave us unfulfilled. By paying attention to our inner child—the part of us that knows our true desires—we can make conscious choices that align with our values and leave a lasting impact.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Reflect on your true passions and desires: Take the time to explore what truly fulfills you and brings you joy. Identify the activities or endeavors that you couldn't imagine your life without.
  • 2. Prioritize time over money: While financial success is important, remember that time is a non-renewable resource. Strive to create a balance between work and personal life, ensuring that you have time for the things that truly matter to you.
  • 3. Embrace risk and pursue your dreams: Life is too short to work on someone else's dream. Take calculated risks and pursue your own aspirations. Trust your inner child and listen to its whispers, for it knows you best.


In the competitive world of startups, achieving defensibility is crucial for long-term success. From network effects to sales-driven moats, startups have various strategies to deter competitors. However, it's equally important to find personal fulfillment and purpose in our entrepreneurial journey. By embracing our inner child, prioritizing our time, and pursuing our dreams, we can create a meaningful impact and lead a more fulfilling life. Remember, life is short, and it's up to us to make the most of the time we have.

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