Unlocking the Power of Tacit Knowledge: A Review on Learning and Expertise

Hatched by Kazuki
Aug 08, 2023
3 min read
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Unlocking the Power of Tacit Knowledge: A Review on Learning and Expertise
Mistaking learning with cramming is a common pitfall in our educational culture. Many believe that acquiring knowledge simply involves memorization and regurgitation of facts. However, true wisdom lies in the ability to make sense of information by drawing from a vast resource of interpretation schemes. It is not about knowing everything, but about understanding and synthesizing various perspectives.
When it comes to learning, there is a distinction between explicit knowledge that can be articulated in words and tacit knowledge that cannot. Tacit knowledge encompasses the embodied feelings and intuitive understanding necessary for successful execution. For example, riding a bicycle cannot be fully learned through words alone. It requires emulation, action, and the internalization of principles through practice.
The acquisition of tacit knowledge often occurs through imitation, emulation, and apprenticeship. By observing and copying the actions of a master, one gradually absorbs the underlying principles and develops expertise. This type of learning involves complex judgment and instantaneous solution selection, balancing multiple considerations. It cannot be adequately conveyed through explanation alone.
In the past, there was a trend of attempting to encode tacit knowledge into expert systems. However, researchers discovered that this approach hindered the development of expertise and impeded creative problem-solving. Providing individuals with a rigid set of procedures to follow denies them the opportunity to build their own expertise. Expert operators thrive on the ability to navigate nuances and adapt to unique situations.
Recognizing the value of tacit knowledge, it becomes crucial to explore methods for acquiring it directly. Rather than hoping for a breakthrough in making tacit knowledge explicit, we should focus on gaining it through immersive experiences and learning from masters. Deliberate practice, on the other hand, is limited to domains with well-established pedagogy, such as music, math, and chess.
In the pursuit of expertise, the field of Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM) offers valuable insights. NDM focuses on making the process of acquiring tacit knowledge more effective. By understanding the dynamics of expert decision-making and incorporating tacit knowledge, we can enhance our own learning journeys.
Here are three actionable pieces of advice for unlocking the power of tacit knowledge:
- 1. Seek out mentors or masters in your chosen field: Learning from those who have already mastered the craft is invaluable. Emulate their actions, seek feedback, and immerse yourself in their expertise.
- 2. Embrace immersive learning experiences: Don't shy away from hands-on learning opportunities. Engage in real-world scenarios that allow you to apply and internalize tacit knowledge.
- 3. Emphasize the development of judgment and intuition: Balancing considerations, making quick decisions, and adapting to unique situations are essential aspects of expertise. Practice cultivating your judgment and intuition through deliberate reflection and analysis.
In conclusion, the recognition of tacit knowledge as a vital component of expertise challenges traditional notions of learning. Embracing the acquisition of tacit knowledge through emulation, action, and immersive experiences opens up new avenues for growth and creativity. By prioritizing the development of judgment and intuition, we can unlock our true potential and become experts in our respective fields. Let us shift our focus from cramming facts to understanding and synthesizing various perspectives, thus enabling us to thrive in an ever-evolving world of knowledge.
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