The Intersection of Product Critique and Decentralization: Understanding User Desires and Empowering the Community


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 21, 2023

4 min read


The Intersection of Product Critique and Decentralization: Understanding User Desires and Empowering the Community


Creating a successful product requires a deep understanding of user desires and the ability to observe and analyze user interactions. Additionally, decentralization plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of protocols. In this article, we will explore the commonalities between product critique and decentralization, highlighting the importance of understanding people and empowering the community.

Understanding User Desires and First Impressions:

When evaluating a product, our first impressions play a significant role in forming our opinions. By quickly assessing whether the app provides value, is user-friendly, and feels well-crafted, we can gauge its potential success. This understanding helps us identify a product's value proposition and the strategies employed by its creators to create a positive impression.

Gaining Multiple Perspectives:

To gain a comprehensive view of a product, it is essential to seek additional perspectives. Reading reviews, comments on blogs, and tweets about the app can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in the broader market. This practice allows us to learn from others' experiences and incorporate diverse viewpoints into our own evaluations.

The Role of Observation:

Observation is a crucial aspect of both product critique and decentralization. There is no shortcut to developing better product instincts other than keen and close observation. By observing user behavior and preferences, designers and product thinkers can better understand what motivates, delights, and intrigues users. Similarly, in the context of decentralization, observing the fault tolerance and behavior of the community governing a protocol's development helps ensure its resilience and effectiveness.

The Three Axes of Decentralization:

When discussing decentralization, it is essential to consider three separate axes: architectural, political, and logical decentralization.

1. Architectural Decentralization:

Architectural decentralization refers to the number of physical computers that make up a system and their ability to tolerate breakdowns. A decentralized system relies on multiple independent components, reducing the likelihood of accidental failure. This fault tolerance enhances the system's reliability and resilience.

2. Political Decentralization:

Political decentralization pertains to the control of the computers that constitute a system. In the case of blockchains, they are politically decentralized, meaning no single entity has control over them. This aspect ensures a fair and democratic decision-making process within the community.

3. Logical Decentralization:

Logical decentralization relates to the appearance and behavior of a system. While blockchains are politically and architecturally decentralized, they are logically centralized. This means that there is one commonly agreed-upon state, and the system behaves like a single computer. Achieving logical decentralization is crucial to ensure the system's transparency and avoid single points of failure.

The Importance of Decentralization:

Decentralization offers several benefits, including fault tolerance, attack resistance, and collusion resistance.

1. Fault Tolerance:

Decentralized systems are less likely to fail accidentally due to their reliance on multiple independent components. This fault tolerance ensures the system's stability and reduces the risk of widespread disruptions.

2. Attack Resistance:

Decentralized systems are more difficult and expensive to attack, manipulate, or destroy. By lacking sensitive central points that can be targeted, these systems deter malicious actors and enhance the overall security of the ecosystem.

3. Collusion Resistance:

Collusion, defined as coordination that benefits one group while compromising others, poses a threat to decentralized systems. By distributing power and decision-making among the protocol's users, collusion becomes harder to achieve. This emphasis on fairness and equal participation strengthens the integrity of the system.

Actionable Advice:

1. Embrace Curiosity and Learn from Users:

To create a great product, continuously observe and understand user desires. Be curious about people's motivations, delights, and preferences. Engage with users, seek feedback, and actively incorporate their insights into your product development process.

2. Foster a Community of Empowered Users:

In the context of decentralization, empower the community that governs the protocol's ongoing development. Ensure that decision-making is decentralized and transparent, allowing for diverse viewpoints and preventing the concentration of power.

3. Strive for a Balanced Decentralization Approach:

When designing decentralized systems, consider the three axes of decentralization: architectural, political, and logical. Aim for a balanced approach that maximizes fault tolerance, resists attacks, and prevents collusion. Incorporate proof of stake mechanisms and prioritize the involvement of protocol users.


The realms of product critique and decentralization share commonalities in understanding user desires and empowering communities. By incorporating the principles of product critique into the development of decentralized systems and vice versa, we can create products that truly cater to user needs while fostering inclusive and resilient ecosystems. Embrace curiosity, observe, and learn from users, and prioritize a balanced decentralization approach to build better products and protocols.

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