The Power of Knowledge Gardening: Creating a Feedback Loop for Self-Organizing Ideas


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 18, 2023

4 min read


The Power of Knowledge Gardening: Creating a Feedback Loop for Self-Organizing Ideas


Knowledge gardening is a recursive process that involves capturing, organizing, and synthesizing ideas to generate self-organizing knowledge. It is a creative feedback system that allows for the generation of finished works almost by accident. By carefully closing the right feedback loops, we can construct a flywheel of creativity that continually adds energy to the system and generates knowledge from the bottom-up.

The Importance of Feedback Loops:

In order for knowledge gardening to thrive, feedback loops are essential. Without them, the system becomes feed-forward, with no opportunities to stumble back over your notes or recurse back over ideas. Broken feedback loops result in a lack of energy return, hindering the growth and development of ideas. Constructing a feedback system, on the other hand, allows for recursion, revision, refactoring, and the formation of new ideas. This search-or-create mechanic, similar to the game mechanic of Zettelkasten, closes the feedback loop and generates knowledge incrementally.

The Benefits of Public Note-taking:

Taking notes in a public setting offers numerous benefits that enhance the knowledge gardening process. Firstly, leaving notes with context helps in remembering the information in the future. Both the note-taker and others can search and connect the dots later on. Secondly, the act of sharing knowledge publicly acts as a forcing function, encouraging deeper understanding and processing of information. When notes are made public, there is a greater sense of responsibility to provide valuable insights.

Sell Your Byproduct:

Just as sawdust became a marketable product in the lumber industry, our note-taking process can produce valuable byproducts. Sharing knowledge publicly allows others to benefit from our insights, even if they may seem trivial to us. What may be considered "trash" to one person can be a treasure for someone else. By embracing this mindset, we can maximize the value of our knowledge and contribute to the collective wisdom of humanity.

The Value of Titanium Knowledge:

In the pursuit of knowledge gardening, it is crucial to focus on titanium knowledge. This refers to durable knowledge that remains valuable over time. By prioritizing this type of knowledge, we can ensure that our note-taking system becomes an asset that provides passive benefits for decades. Titanium knowledge includes principles such as the 80/20 Rule, learning how to learn, prioritization, habits, decision-making, and the scientific method. Investing in this type of knowledge yields long-term rewards.

The Future of Learning in Public:

Learning in public is the future of knowledge sharing and acquisition. By making our notes default-public, we unlock the potential for our knowledge to earn interest, just as money does when invested. Sharing what we learn not only helps us remember it better but also enables us to contribute to the knowledge chain that gets passed down through generations. When we teach others, we create future teachers and ensure the preservation and growth of wisdom.

Challenges and Actionable Advice:

Transitioning from private to public notes can be challenging. Impostor's syndrome, tool lock-in, and time commitment are common obstacles. To overcome these challenges, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace the value of your unique insights: Remember that your notes have the potential to be valuable to others. Overcome impostor's syndrome by recognizing the worth of your knowledge and the perspectives you bring.
  • 2. Explore new tools and approaches: While sticking to familiar notetaking systems may seem convenient, embracing new tools and approaches can unlock new possibilities. Be open to learning and adapting to optimize your public notes for search engines and accessibility.
  • 3. Prioritize the time investment: Taking the time to package and refine your notes for public consumption may seem daunting. However, by recognizing the long-term benefits and the potential impact on future learners, you can prioritize this investment and reap the rewards of knowledge gardening.


Knowledge gardening is a transformative process that allows for the creation of a feedback loop, enabling the generation of self-organizing ideas. By embracing the benefits of public note-taking, selling our byproducts, and focusing on titanium knowledge, we can cultivate a wealth of knowledge that serves us and future generations. Through overcoming challenges and taking actionable steps, we can unlock the full potential of knowledge gardening and contribute to the collective wisdom of humanity.


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