The Power of Reading and Prioritizing Personal Preference in Business Leadership


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 30, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Reading and Prioritizing Personal Preference in Business Leadership

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to sit quietly and direct focused attention for sustained periods of time is becoming increasingly rare and valuable. With the abundance of information and distractions at our fingertips, it can be challenging to find the time and mental space to engage in deep reading and reflection. However, reading is not just a leisure activity; it is a powerful tool for personal growth and professional development.

Reading allows us to step into the minds of others and explore different perspectives. As the saying goes, reading is the closest thing we have to thinking another's thoughts. By immersing ourselves in someone else's paradigm, we can expand our own understanding and let go of our preconceived notions. This ability to embrace new ideas and perspectives is crucial for business leaders who want to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

One way to enhance our reading experience is by utilizing "Read It Later" apps. These apps allow us to save articles and long-form content for future consumption when we have the time and focus to fully engage with them. By using these apps, we can prioritize our personal preferences and interests, ensuring that we are reading material that we find genuinely intriguing and valuable.

Incorporating these apps into our workflow can also help us filter through the vast amount of information available to us. Instead of mindlessly consuming every piece of content that crosses our path, we can curate a pool of options over a longer time period. This allows us to make decisions from a higher perspective, aligning our choices with what truly matters to us.

Furthermore, these apps can assist in increasing our consumption of long-form content, which tends to be more substantive and thought-provoking. In a world of short attention spans and quick sound bites, engaging with longer articles and books allows us to delve deeper into complex topics and gain a more comprehensive understanding.

However, it's essential to recognize the potential pitfalls of these apps. One of the most significant challenges is the risk of procrastination. With the ability to save articles for later, it's easy to fall into the trap of accumulating a never-ending "To Read" pile. To avoid this, it's crucial to set aside dedicated time for reading and prioritize it as a valuable activity.

Additionally, it's important to strike a balance between consuming information and taking action. While reading and learning from others' experiences is valuable, it's equally essential to apply these lessons in our own lives. As business leaders, we should aim to assimilate and build on the ideas of others while also creating our unique insights and strategies.

To make the most of our reading and learning experiences, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Prioritize personal preference: When selecting reading material, choose content that genuinely interests you and aligns with your goals and values. This will enhance your engagement and ensure that you are gaining valuable insights.
  • 2. Set dedicated reading time: Create a regular schedule for reading and treat it as a non-negotiable activity. By setting aside specific time for reading, you can avoid the trap of procrastination and make consistent progress in your learning journey.
  • 3. Apply what you learn: After reading a thought-provoking article or book, take the time to reflect on the key ideas and consider how they can be applied in your own life and business. Actively seek opportunities to implement these insights and evaluate their impact.

In conclusion, the ability to read deeply and prioritize personal preference is a crucial skill for business leaders. By utilizing "Read It Later" apps and incorporating the advice mentioned above, we can enhance our reading experience, filter through information effectively, and apply valuable insights to drive personal and professional growth. So, carve out time in your schedule, immerse yourself in the world of books and articles, and let the power of reading transform your leadership journey.

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