Learning how to learn and investing in the experience economy may seem like completely unrelated topics. However, upon closer examination, there are some common points that connect these two areas. Both involve understanding how our brains work, the importance of making meaningful connections, and the idea of continuous improvement. Let's explore these connections further.


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 29, 2023

3 min read


Learning how to learn and investing in the experience economy may seem like completely unrelated topics. However, upon closer examination, there are some common points that connect these two areas. Both involve understanding how our brains work, the importance of making meaningful connections, and the idea of continuous improvement. Let's explore these connections further.

When it comes to learning how to learn, it's crucial to understand how our brains function. Our brains have two modes: the focused mode and the diffused mode. The focused mode is when we concentrate on a specific task, such as studying or solving a problem. On the other hand, the diffused mode is when we let our minds wander, allowing our brains to make new connections on their own. This is why "shower thoughts" often occur after intense studying - the relaxed state of mind in the shower allows new ideas to surface.

Similarly, in the experience economy, the memory of an experience becomes the product itself. It's all about creating moments that leave a lasting impression. Just like how our brains make new connections during the diffused mode, experiences have the power to create meaningful connections and memories. This is why consumers are shifting their spending from goods to experiences at an increasing rate.

In both learning and the experience economy, forgetting plays a crucial role. While it may seem counterintuitive, forgetting is actually necessary for effective learning. When we sleep, our brains solidify new connections and get rid of toxins that build up during the day. This process allows important ideas and thoughts to resurface. In the experience economy, memories are formed and cherished. People may forget what you said or did, but they will never forget how you made them feel, as Maya Angelou wisely stated.

In terms of learning styles, the traditional belief that aligning teaching styles with learning styles leads to better outcomes has been debunked. Recent research shows that what matters most is using learning strategies that maximize recall. This aligns with the experience economy, where the focus is on creating experiences that make an impact. It's not about catering to individual preferences, but rather about providing experiences that leave a lasting impression on a broader audience.

So, what actionable advice can we take from these connections? Here are three suggestions:

  • 1. Embrace the process: Both learning and creating memorable experiences are ongoing processes. Instead of viewing them as projects with a beginning and an end, fall in love with the process itself. Trust that by continuously learning and improving, you can go from good to great.
  • 2. Maximize recall: In learning, spacing out study sessions over time, testing yourself on the material, and experiencing the content in multiple ways have been proven to enhance recall. Similarly, in the experience economy, creating experiences that are memorable and make meaningful connections can have a lasting impact on individuals.
  • 3. Focus on mission: In the experience economy, businesses need to live by a mission. The common thread among successful businesses is their mission to produce experiences worth remembering. This aligns with the idea of learning how to learn, where the focus should be on constantly improving and striving for excellence.

In conclusion, learning how to learn and investing in the experience economy may seem like unrelated topics at first glance. However, when we delve deeper, we find common points that connect these two areas. Understanding how our brains work, making meaningful connections, and embracing continuous improvement are key factors in both areas. By incorporating actionable advice such as embracing the process, maximizing recall, and focusing on mission, we can enhance our learning capabilities and create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impact. So, let's dive into the world of learning and the experience economy, and unlock our full potential.

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