The Small Steps of Giant Leaps: Imitation, Innovation, and the Power of Consistency


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 26, 2023

4 min read


The Small Steps of Giant Leaps: Imitation, Innovation, and the Power of Consistency

In our quest for success, we often search for that one breakthrough moment, that giant leap that will propel us forward. We look for the magic, the extraordinary, and overlook the power of small choices and consistency. But the truth is, strong positions are not accidents, and weak positions aren't bad luck. The position we find ourselves in today is the result of the small choices we've been making for years.

Consistency is key when it comes to compounding results. Intensity may carry us in the short term, but if we want lasting success, we need to be consistent. It's not about doing the obvious thing once, but about excelling at the small choices that compound over time. By consistently making the right choices, we position ourselves for future success, and we're never forced into a bad decision, no matter what the circumstances may be.

But how do we make those small choices count? How do we navigate the fine line between imitation and innovation? According to David Perell, the more we imitate others, the faster we can discover our unique style. Imitation and innovation are not opposed; they operate in tandem. When we consume art, whether it's movies, books, or music, we need to be intentional. We should watch, read, and listen not just for entertainment but also to understand how these creators have made their choices.

Imitation doesn't mean copying someone else's work word for word or note for note. It means studying and analyzing what makes their work great and borrowing those ideas to build upon in our own creations. The fear of plagiarism is deeply ingrained in us, but throughout history, most imitative learning happened through apprenticeships. Leonardo da Vinci observed and imitated the work of his master before producing his own masterpieces.

Imitation helps us discover our creative personalities. It reveals our taste and which parts of the creative process come naturally to us. Just as painters learn to see the world in a unique way, writers can benefit from developing a keen sense of observation. By imitating the great writers, we can hone our intuition for what quality writing feels like.

But it's not just about imitating the present. To truly innovate, we should diversify our inputs and escape the never-ending now. By reading more about history and less about the present, we gain a broader perspective and open ourselves up to new ideas and possibilities. As Patrick Collison, the co-founder of Stripe, once said, sometimes it's best to take the standard route and learn from past solutions.

Originality should not be our ultimate goal. Instead, we should strive for quality, beauty, and clear communication. When we focus too much on being original, we risk getting stuck or creating something of little substance. The solution to a problem often becomes obvious once we understand it deeply enough. By learning from the past, we can avoid reinventing the wheel and build upon the knowledge and resources that came before us.

So, how can we apply these insights to our own lives and careers? Here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace consistency: Success is not about one giant leap; it's about the small choices we make every day. Develop daily habits that align with your goals and stick to them consistently. Remember, intensity may give short-term results, but consistency brings long-term success.
  • 2. Learn from the past: Don't be afraid to imitate and borrow ideas from those who came before you. Study the work of the greats in your field and understand why they made the choices they did. By learning from their successes and failures, you can innovate and build upon their foundation.
  • 3. Diversify your inputs: Break free from the never-ending now by expanding your horizons. Read books, watch movies, and listen to music from different eras and genres. By exposing yourself to diverse ideas and perspectives, you can gain a broader understanding and fuel your own creativity.

In conclusion, success is not about one giant leap but the accumulation of small choices made consistently over time. By imitating and learning from the past, we can innovate and build upon what has come before us. So, let's embrace the power of small steps, embrace imitation as a tool for growth, and strive for excellence in our choices. Only then can we truly achieve the extraordinary.

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