"The Intersection of Technological Forces and Learning in Public: Shaping Our Future through Collaboration"

Hatched by Kazuki
Aug 10, 2023
5 min read
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"The Intersection of Technological Forces and Learning in Public: Shaping Our Future through Collaboration"
In Kevin Kelly's book, "The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future," he explores the transformative power of various technological forces. These forces, including Becoming, Cognifying, Flowing, Screening, Accessing, Sharing, Filtering, Remixing, Interacting, Tracking, Questioning, and Beginning, are reshaping our world in ways we could have never imagined. This article aims to delve into the common points between these technological forces and the concept of learning in public, highlighting the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in shaping our future.
The Value of Embracing the Inevitable:
A universal law of economics states that when something becomes free and ubiquitous, its position in the economic equation inverts. Banning or resisting the inevitable often backfires. Instead, embracing these technological forces with open minds and vigilance yields better results. Prohibition is temporary, and in the long run, counterproductive. Similarly, the cycle of obsolescence is accelerating, leaving little time to master anything before it is displaced. The concept of the Red Queen Effect, where one must keep running just to stay in place, is closely connected to this idea.
The Proliferation of Knowledge and Connectivity:
The invention of the scientific process itself stands as one of the greatest advancements of the past 200 years. It allowed us to create countless other remarkable discoveries. This notion is closely linked to the idea that every document in the world should be a footnote to another document, creating visible and permanent links between them. Just as Socrates famously said, "I know that I know nothing," we continue to learn and pass on knowledge from one generation to another. By recognizing the interconnectedness of information, we can embrace the protopian state of becoming and constantly strive for improvement.
The Shift from Pages to Flows and Streams:
We are currently transitioning into the third age of computation, where flows and streams take precedence over pages and browsers. The foundational units of this new digital regime are flows, tags, and clouds. Copies become worthless when they are superabundant, while things that can't be copied become scarce and valuable. Trust, for instance, is something that cannot be easily copied, and it adds value to free copies. In this context, value is no longer solely determined by the number of copies, but rather by the number of ways a copy can be linked, manipulated, annotated, and engaged with by other media.
The Socialization of Reading and Knowledge:
With screens and digital platforms, reading becomes a social activity. We can now share not only the titles of books we are reading but also our reactions, notes, and highlights. By subscribing to the marginalia feed of someone we respect, we gain access to their thoughts and insights. Over the coming years, scholars and fans, aided by computational algorithms, will knit together the books of the world into a single networked literature. This will allow readers to generate social graphs, timelines, and networked maps of influence for any notion in the library. The emergence of the Curator Economy also presents opportunities for individuals to earn prestige and income by curating excellent collections of information.
The Power of Sharing and Collaboration:
The long-term trend in modern life is for goods and services to be short-term and shareable. Sharing, both in terms of rental and collaboration, is becoming the default. Success now hinges on the success of others, and the chief reason to put things onto the cloud is to deeply share data. By weaving together bits of information, we can create smarter and more powerful solutions. Collaboration, whether through the role of editors or the concept of user-generated and editor-enhanced content, becomes essential in shaping the cloud of creativity that emerges from the crowd. The companies that harness sharing in innovative ways will lead the way in the future.
Attention as a Scarce Resource:
In an information-rich world, attention becomes a scarce resource. The wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. Therefore, wherever attention flows, money will follow. Understanding this scarcity allows individuals and organizations to prioritize their efforts and focus on providing valuable content and experiences that capture attention.
Learning in Public and the Future of Knowledge-Sharing:
Learning in Public is not only altruistic but also the fastest way to learn, establish a network, and build a career. By documenting our own learning journeys and openly sharing our knowledge, we not only benefit ourselves but also contribute to the community. Building a structured list of information, curating content, and being helpful on the internet are all valuable ways to beat Google at organizing information. It is essential to resist the immediate bias for attention and focus on the intrinsic value of the learning process. Embracing the possibility of being wrong and learning from mistakes accelerates the learning process. By learning in public, we stand out and attract opportunities. Furthermore, the act of sharing knowledge ensures that our learnings may outlive us, achieving a form of immortality.
The intersection of technological forces and learning in public presents a unique opportunity to shape our future through collaboration and knowledge-sharing. As technological advancements continue to accelerate, it is crucial to embrace these forces rather than resist them. By recognizing the interconnectedness of information, socializing reading experiences, and harnessing the power of sharing and collaboration, we can navigate the complexities of the digital age and create a more prosperous future. Before concluding, here are three actionable pieces of advice to consider:
- 1. Embrace the protopian state of becoming, constantly striving for improvement.
- 2. Share your knowledge and learn in public to accelerate your learning journey and contribute to the community.
- 3. Prioritize valuable content and experiences that capture attention in an information-rich world.
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