The Art of Intellectual Exploration and Discovering Truth: Insights from Philosophers and the Practice of Steelmanning


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 24, 2023

3 min read


The Art of Intellectual Exploration and Discovering Truth: Insights from Philosophers and the Practice of Steelmanning


Philosophers are known for their rigorous thinking and intellectual exploration. They don't simply memorize ideas but delve deep into their origins and analyze their various forms. Like boxers in the intellectual realm, philosophers make ideas fight with each other to understand them better. However, in today's fast-paced world, jumping to conclusions and adopting fashionable thinking has become common. The popularity of an idea doesn't necessarily make it correct. To truly discover the truth, we need to challenge our own beliefs and engage in meaningful dialogue with opposing viewpoints. This is where the practice of steelmanning comes into play.

The Power of Social Learning and Cultural Influence:

Humanity's success can be attributed to our ability to socially learn and collectively build knowledge across generations. By outsourcing knowledge to the tribe, we have become smarter and more capable. However, the downside of this is that the more people are exposed to an idea, the more likely they are to believe it, even if it might not be true. We must be cautious not to fall into the trap of believing popular ideas simply because they are fashionable. The best options are not always advertised, just like the secret menu at In-N-Out Burger.

Critiquing the Frame Instead of the Conclusion:

Every idea comes packaged in an implicit frame, and good philosophers understand the importance of critiquing the premise or frame of an idea rather than focusing solely on the conclusion. By restricting ourselves to one side of the intellectual spectrum, we limit our capacity to find truth. Holding two opposing ideas in mind and maintaining the ability to function is a test of first-rate intelligence. It is essential to approach philosophy and life with an attitude of intellectual grace, asking ourselves, "What can this person teach me?" rather than dismissing them outright.

Distorting Information and Human Nature:

Our brains are wired to seek out information and destroy it after we acquire it. We deceive ourselves to better deceive others, as Robert Trivers once said. The distortion of information to appear better than we actually are is a common human tendency. However, if we want to progress and improve civilization in the long run, we must rely on reason and rationality rather than pursuing likeability and popularity.

The Practice of Steelmanning:

Steel manning is the opposite of strawmanning. It involves crafting the best possible version of your opponent's argument, intending to make it as strong as possible. It requires willpower and a genuine desire to understand different perspectives. By creating the best version of your counterpart's argument, you challenge your own beliefs and come closer to the truth.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Create the Best Version of Your Counterpart's Argument: Treat contentious subjects as opportunities to learn and discover new perspectives. Write down your thoughts to structure your arguments and identify any gaps in your reasoning.
  • 2. Help Your Counterpart Steelman Their Argument: Assist your counterpart in constructing the strongest version of their argument. This doesn't mean you have to agree with them, but it allows you to see the world through their eyes and gain a deeper understanding.
  • 3. Argue On Your Counterpart's Behalf: Familiarize yourself with the most plausible and persuasive form of your counterpart's viewpoint. This will help you appreciate the difficulties their perspective faces and enable you to possess a more comprehensive understanding of the truth.


In a world driven by quick conclusions and fashionable thinking, the practice of intellectual exploration and steelmanning can help us discover the truth. By challenging our own beliefs, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and considering opposing viewpoints, we can expand our knowledge and contribute to the progress of civilization. Let us embrace the art of intellectual grace and pursue reason and rationality over popularity and likeability.

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