The Power of Authenticity in Building Stronger Organizations

George A

Hatched by George A

Jul 10, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Authenticity in Building Stronger Organizations

Authenticity comes with prerequisites. In today's world, where trust and transparency are valued more than ever, organizations need to embrace authenticity in order to build stronger connections with their employees and stakeholders. However, achieving authenticity requires more than just words – it requires action.

One important aspect of fostering authenticity within an organization is creating an inclusive and safe environment. It's not enough to simply tell employees to be authentic if they cannot guarantee authentic inclusion and safety. Instead, organizations should demonstrate their commitment to authenticity by taking proactive steps to support and protect their employees.

Showing employees that you have their backs authentically is a powerful way to build trust and foster authenticity. This can be done through proactive investments in authentic (sometimes unpopular) actions. By aligning your organization's actions with its core values, you show employees that their authentic selves truly matter. This can include advocating for diversity and inclusion, supporting social causes, and taking a stand on important issues.

In addition to taking authentic actions, organizations should also ensure that they are providing tangible support to their employees. This can be done through fair and transparent compensation and benefits packages. When employees feel that their authentic selves are valued and rewarded, they are more likely to feel a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization.

Furthermore, organizations should consider empowering their employees by giving them control over their own healthcare data. The Blue Button 2.0 API, for example, allows beneficiaries to grant applications access to their healthcare claims data. This tool has the potential to revolutionize the way patients interact with their healthcare information. By letting patients and communities in on this tool, organizations can empower individuals to take control of their own health and well-being.

To foster authenticity within your organization, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Prioritize inclusivity and safety: Create an environment where all employees feel safe to be their authentic selves. Invest in diversity and inclusion initiatives and ensure that your organization's actions align with its values.
  • 2. Reward authenticity: Show employees that their authentic selves are valued by offering fair and transparent compensation and benefits packages. Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate authenticity in their work.
  • 3. Empower individuals: Explore tools and technologies that allow individuals to take control of their own data and healthcare information. By giving employees control over their own information, you empower them to make informed decisions about their health.

In conclusion, authenticity is a powerful tool that organizations can use to build stronger connections with employees and stakeholders. By taking authentic actions, providing tangible support, and empowering individuals, organizations can create an environment where authenticity thrives. Embracing authenticity not only benefits the bottom line but also creates a stronger and more inclusive organization.

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