Strengthening Accountability Networks Among Civil Society: The Power of AI in Promoting Democratic Governance

Diego Ospina Serna

Hatched by Diego Ospina Serna

Jan 09, 2024

3 min read


Strengthening Accountability Networks Among Civil Society: The Power of AI in Promoting Democratic Governance


The Strengthening Accountability Networks among Civil Society (SANCUS) project aims to contribute to greater democratic accountability of public institutions worldwide by empowering civil society organizations (CSOs) to demand systemic change in addressing accountability deficiencies and fighting corruption. While the participating countries in the SANCUS project have common deficiencies in accountability and corruption, the exact situation varies in each context. This article explores the potential of AI in strengthening accountability networks among civil society and promoting democratic governance.

Common Deficiencies in Accountability and Corruption:

The deficiencies in accountability and corruption in the participating countries can be categorized into several common points. On the supply side, these deficiencies include a lack of integrity in state institutions and weaknesses in supervisory institutions. These shortcomings are often accompanied by a fragile rule of law, making it challenging to enforce formal laws. On the demand side, accountability initiatives led by CSOs face increasing challenges due to the shrinking civic space and exclusion of affected communities from political and budgetary processes.

Addressing Deficiencies through AI:

AI, in its various forms, holds great potential in addressing the deficiencies in accountability and corruption. It encompasses computer systems that can sense their environment, think, learn, and take action. Forms of AI currently in use include digital assistants, chatbots, and machine learning. By leveraging AI, the SANCUS project can empower CSOs and citizens to communicate with officials and demand greater democratic accountability from public institutions.

The Potential Impact of AI in Strengthening Accountability:

The impact of AI in strengthening accountability networks among civil society is expected to be significant. By supporting CSOs in addressing their specific needs and limitations, the SANCUS project aims to capitalize on the knowledge, skills, and resources of its network. The project adopts a two-pronged approach to improve democratic accountability: vertical accountability, where citizens and their associations demand accountability from the state, and horizontal accountability, where state actors have the authority to demand explanations or impose sanctions on other bodies as part of internal checks and balances.

Three Actionable Advice for Strengthening Accountability Networks through AI:

  • 1. Enhancing Digital Tools and Platforms: CSOs should utilize digital tools and platforms to improve defense, monitoring, legal protection, and citizen mobilization. By capitalizing on digitalization and ensuring access to information, CSOs can empower citizens to participate and demand accountability.
  • 2. Promoting Collaboration and Cooperation: CSOs should collaborate with supervisory institutions to examine rights guarantors and exert pressure on the demand side of horizontal accountability mechanisms. Cooperation between CSOs and supervisory institutions can lead to improved methodologies and protocols.
  • 3. Advocating for Regulatory Reforms: CSOs should identify and address regulatory obstacles and malpractices that hinder closer engagement between officials and citizen groups. By advocating for regulatory reforms, CSOs can strengthen long-term accountability on the supply side.


The potential of AI in strengthening accountability networks among civil society is immense. By leveraging AI tools and techniques, the SANCUS project aims to empower CSOs and citizens to demand greater democratic accountability from public institutions. Through enhanced collaboration, digital platforms, and regulatory reforms, CSOs can play a pivotal role in promoting democratic governance and combating corruption. The transformative possibilities of AI in strengthening accountability networks are vast, and its effective utilization can lead to lasting positive change in societies around the world.

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