The Intersection of Labor Contracts and Fatherhood: Insights on Brain Changes

Diego Ospina Serna

Hatched by Diego Ospina Serna

Jan 13, 2024

3 min read


The Intersection of Labor Contracts and Fatherhood: Insights on Brain Changes


The journey of fatherhood brings about significant changes in a man's life, both personally and professionally. This article explores the intriguing connection between labor contracts and brain changes experienced by new fathers. Through examining labor clauses and research on brain volume, we gain insights into the impact of fatherhood on different aspects of a man's life.

Labor Contracts and Prioritizing Special Clauses:

Labor contracts play a crucial role in defining the rights and obligations of employees. In the case of the "anteproyecto minera panama," specific labor clauses are highlighted, ranging from clause 20 to clause 24, with an inclusion of clause 37. These clauses emphasize that labor relations will be governed by the norms outlined in the labor code. However, it is important to note that the labor contract supersedes the labor code in matters pertaining to labor, as it requires approval by a law of the Republic. Consequently, the contract holds equal hierarchical status as the labor code, ensuring the prioritization of its stipulations.

Brain Changes in Fathers:

Shifting our focus to the realm of neuroscience, researchers have discovered intriguing changes in the brains of new fathers. By comparing brain scans, they observed a consistent decrease in the volume of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for sensory perception, language, and cognition. These changes are not evenly distributed throughout the brain but are most significant in the area responsible for processing and interpreting visual information from the retina. Additionally, the "default-mode" network, associated with daydreaming, mind-wandering, and self-reflection, also experiences shrinkage.

Parallels with Motherhood:

Interestingly, these brain changes in fathers mirror some of the alterations observed in first-time mothers. A study published in Nature Neuroscience revealed similar reductions in the default-mode network of mothers' brains. However, the differences in fathers' brains are less pronounced and more variable, suggesting a distinct physiological pathway. Despite the differences, it is fascinating how different means can still lead to similar evolutionary outcomes.

Predicting Attachment and Hostility:

Further research delves into the consequences of postpartum brain changes. It was found that the extent of brain volume reduction predicted a mother's attachment to her child and the presence or absence of hostility towards the child. Those with the largest reductions in brain volume displayed stronger MRI responses to images of their own child compared to images of others. These findings shed light on the intricate connection between brain changes, emotions, and the formation of parental bonds.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Change: As new fathers, it is essential to acknowledge and embrace the changes occurring in your brain. Understanding that these changes are a natural part of the journey can help alleviate any unnecessary concerns or anxieties.
  • 2. Foster Connection: Engage in activities that promote bonding with your child. Spend quality time together, actively participate in caregiving, and create opportunities for shared experiences. Building a strong connection will not only benefit your child but also contribute to your own emotional well-being.
  • 3. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek support from your partner, family, or friends. Parenthood can be challenging, and having a support system in place can make a significant difference. Reach out for guidance, share your experiences, and learn from others who have navigated similar paths.


The intertwining of labor contracts and the changes in the brains of new fathers highlights the multifaceted nature of fatherhood. By examining labor clauses and exploring brain research, we gain a deeper understanding of the impact of fatherhood on various aspects of life. As fathers embark on this transformative journey, embracing change, fostering connection, and seeking support are actionable steps to navigate this exciting chapter with confidence and joy.

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