Strengthening Accountability Networks: Empowering Civil Society for Change

Diego Ospina Serna

Hatched by Diego Ospina Serna

Oct 05, 2023

4 min read


Strengthening Accountability Networks: Empowering Civil Society for Change


The Strengthening Accountability Networks among Civil Society (SANCUS) project aims to contribute to greater democratic accountability of public institutions worldwide by empowering civil society organizations (CSOs) to demand systemic change in addressing accountability deficiencies and fighting corruption. Over a period of 36 months, the project will focus on 21 countries that share common deficiencies in accountability and corruption, albeit with varying contexts.

Common Challenges in Accountability and Corruption:

1. Lack of integrity in public institutions:

In many participating countries, the line between the public and private spheres is blurred due to clientelism, lack of rule of law, and politicized administration. This lack of integrity makes formal institutions susceptible to manipulation, corruption, and favoritism, hindering impartial distribution of public goods.

2. Fragile rule of law:

Countries characterized by abusive elites seeking personal economic gain often have centralized authority, which becomes a gateway for resource diversion and abuse of power. Powerful individuals can misappropriate public funds and embezzle state assets for personal enrichment at the expense of citizens.

3. Weak checks and balances:

When political leaders intentionally limit the scope of independent oversight institutions, embezzle funds, and distribute resources in a partisan manner, restoring balance requires strengthening actors that can act as a counterweight to executive power and motivate formal or alternative forms of checks and balances.

4. Shrinking civic space:

Democracy health indicators, such as the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index and Freedom House's Freedom in the World report, have shown significant net declines in recent years. There has been a general weakening of democratic institutions, rights, and civic space in many parts of the world.

5. Lack of public participation in decision-making:

Increased public participation is estimated to improve governance outcomes and reduce corruption. However, decision-makers often exclude citizens from decision-making processes, despite the profound impact these decisions have on people's lives. Limited access to information and knowledge further hinder public participation.

Approach and Theory of Change:

To address these accountability and corruption deficiencies, the SANCUS project aims to empower CSOs and citizens to engage with officials and demand greater democratic accountability from public institutions using various tools and methods. By sensitizing target groups to deficiencies in democratic accountability and potential solutions, they are better equipped to demand greater accountability. The project emphasizes both vertical and horizontal accountability mechanisms.

Vertical accountability refers to citizens and their associations demanding accountability from the state, while horizontal accountability involves one state actor having formal authority to demand explanations or impose sanctions on another entity as part of intra-governmental checks and balances. SANCUS focuses on strengthening the demand side of vertical or social accountability, as citizens are increasingly willing to demand their rights and monitor rights guarantors. Additionally, SANCUS aims to empower national CSOs to pressure horizontal accountability mechanisms by engaging and cooperating with oversight institutions to scrutinize rights guarantors. Digital tools will also be utilized for advocacy, monitoring, legal protection, and citizen mobilization.

Expected Impact:

SANCUS's support for CSOs is expected to strengthen democratic accountability through various forms of civic participation, including monitoring, consultations, and advocacy campaigns to curb corruption and rights violations. The following are the anticipated benefits for SANCUS's target groups:

1. Enhanced environment for demanding accountability:

SANCUS aims to protect and expand the enabling environment in participating countries for CSOs and citizens to demand accountability from rights guarantors, offering more opportunities for exercising their rights.

2. Strengthened socio-economic agency:

By incorporating informal coalitions to demand greater accountability from the government, SANCUS will strengthen agency at a deeper socio-economic level while reducing incentives and opportunities for corruption.

3. Improved political and technical engagement:

SANCUS seeks to identify bad practices and regulatory obstacles hindering closer engagement between officials and citizen groups. By targeting public officeholders and rights guarantors, SANCUS aims to increase long-term accountability from the supply side.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Build networks and collaborations: CSOs should leverage the knowledge, skills, and resources of their peers within the SANCUS network and other spaces to address their specific needs and limitations effectively.
  • 2. Advocate for inclusive decision-making processes: CSOs should work towards ensuring meaningful public participation in decision-making by raising awareness among citizens, improving access to information, and advocating for transparent and inclusive processes.
  • 3. Utilize digital tools effectively: CSOs should harness digital tools to enhance their advocacy, monitoring, and mobilization efforts, particularly in cases where information is digitalized and where internet access, digital literacy, and security risks allow for effective utilization of these tools.


The SANCUS project offers a comprehensive approach to strengthening accountability networks among civil society globally. By addressing common deficiencies in accountability and corruption, empowering CSOs, and promoting citizen engagement, SANCUS aims to contribute to a more accountable and democratic future. Through collaborative efforts and utilization of digital tools, CSOs and citizens have the potential to drive systemic change and demand greater transparency, integrity, and responsiveness from public institutions.

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