Resolutions for a Life Worth Living: Attainable Aspirations Inspired by Great Humans of the Past


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 04, 2023

3 min read


Resolutions for a Life Worth Living: Attainable Aspirations Inspired by Great Humans of the Past

If we abide by the common definition of philosophy as the love of wisdom and the art of learning to die, then living wisely is the art of learning how you will wish to have lived. Viktor Frankl, a renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, believed that fearlessness is what love seeks. Love as craving is determined by its goal, and this goal is freedom from fear. Fearlessness exists in the complete calm that can no longer be shaken by future events. Therefore, the only valid tense is the present, the Now.

Frankl also mentioned the importance of having more music and nature in our lives. He believed that music is the profoundest expression of nature and that it can bring meaning to our lives. Similarly, Walt Whitman observed that music is essential for a fulfilling life, proclaiming that "without music, life would be a mistake."

Rachel Carson, a pioneering environmentalist and writer, emphasized the loneliness of creative work. She believed that writing is a lonely occupation that requires solitude and isolation to truly delve into the depths of one's subject. Carson advised that only those who know and are not afraid of loneliness should aspire to be writers. Despite the solitude, she found the rewards of creative work to be rich and satisfying.

Bertrand Russell, a philosopher and mathematician, suggested that as our lives grow shorter, we should broaden our interests and become more impersonal. By merging our lives with the universal life, we can find fulfillment. Russell believed in despising riches, giving alms to those in need, standing up for the marginalized, and devoting ourselves to others. He encouraged us to dismiss whatever insults our own souls and embrace a life that is a great poem.

The real history of Twitter is a fascinating story of collaboration and perseverance. It started as a side project within the company Odeo, a platform for podcasting. Noah Glass, one of Odeo's co-founders, presented the idea of a system where users could send a text to one number and have it broadcasted to all their friends. This idea eventually became Twitter. However, Glass was eventually pushed out of the company, and Evan Williams, another co-founder, became the face of Twitter.

The story of Twitter teaches us that success often involves a group effort and that credit should be given where it is due. Glass, Dorsey, and Weber all played significant roles in the creation of Twitter. It also highlights the importance of emotional investment in a startup. Odeo's lack of emotional investment in their product ultimately led to its downfall, while Twitter's success was fueled by the passion and dedication of its early employees.

Incorporating the insights from these great humans, here are three actionable pieces of advice for a life worth living:

  • 1. Embrace fearlessness and live in the present moment. Let go of the fear of death and fully embrace life without reservations.
  • 2. Surround yourself with music and nature. Allow the beauty of music and the natural world to bring meaning and joy to your life.
  • 3. Broaden your interests and become more impersonal. Seek to merge your life with the universal life, embracing kindness, compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness with others.

In conclusion, learning from the wisdom and experiences of great humans of the past can inspire us to live a life worth living. By embracing fearlessness, incorporating music and nature into our lives, embracing solitude and creative work, and broadening our interests as time goes on, we can find fulfillment and meaning in our own lives.

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