"Unlocking the Power of Learning: From Rare Skills to Critical Reading"


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 08, 2023

3 min read


"Unlocking the Power of Learning: From Rare Skills to Critical Reading"

In a world that is constantly evolving, the ability to learn rare and useful skills on-demand has become the most important skill anyone can possess. Yet, surprisingly, our schools fail to teach us this crucial skill. Instead, we are bombarded with learning myths that hinder our success and lead us to waste time on mediocre skills that we quickly forget.

To keep up with the world of tomorrow, we must not only invent new ideas and products but also reinvent ourselves repeatedly. This concept was brilliantly realized by Boyd, who discovered that the key to winning dogfights was the ability to observe, orient, plan, and act faster than the opponent. The speed of iteration, he argued, trumps the quality of iteration.

Interestingly, this model of observation, orientation, decision, and action (OODA Loop) can be applied to our own intelligence as humans. Acquiring knowledge becomes a three-step process: observation, reflection, and experimentation. We gather information from various sources, process it unconsciously, and then take action based on our reflections. This iterative approach allows us to identify the most effective actions without delay and to build cumulative knowledge.

The power of cumulative knowledge can be likened to compound interest, as stated by Albert Einstein. Each piece of knowledge builds upon the previous one, enhancing our understanding and impact in the real world. However, it is essential to recognize that no business plan survives first contact with the customer. Our assumptions about what customers want often differ from reality. To mitigate this, we must shrink our learning loops, making small mistakes quickly and learning from each one.

Meetings, too, can benefit from the learning loop concept. Rather than viewing them as a mere execution of an agenda, we should address fixed mindsets and limiting emotions at each stage. Different emotions arise at each stage, ranging from positive to negative. By acknowledging and managing these emotions, we can foster a more productive and growth-oriented atmosphere.

In the realm of critical reading, the hermeneutic circle offers valuable insights. It recognizes that interpreting a text is not a linear process but a cycle. Our understanding of the whole text is shaped by our understanding of each individual part and how they relate to the whole. To enhance our interpretation, we must consider our own expectations and read the text multiple times. It is crucial to allow our initial understanding to evolve and improve over time.

In conclusion, the ability to learn rare and useful skills on-demand is the most vital skill in today's world. By embracing an iterative approach, we can continuously reinvent ourselves and stay ahead. Shifting our mindset towards small and quick learning loops enables us to make mistakes, learn, and adapt faster. Additionally, incorporating the hermeneutic circle into our critical reading practices enhances our understanding of texts. By constantly updating our interpretations, we can expand our knowledge and engage in deeper insights.

Actionable advice:

  • 1. Embrace an iterative approach to learning by observing, reflecting, and experimenting.
  • 2. Shrink your learning loops and make small mistakes quickly to adapt faster.
  • 3. Apply the hermeneutic circle to critical reading: consider your expectations, re-read texts, and allow your understanding to evolve.

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