The Product Management Triangle: Bridging the Gap and Driving Success


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 02, 2023

3 min read


The Product Management Triangle: Bridging the Gap and Driving Success


The role of a product manager is a complex and ever-changing one. Within a company, the responsibilities of a product manager can vary greatly. At the core of product management lies the product itself, connected to three key elements: developers, users, and the business. Understanding the dynamics between these elements and effectively managing the white spaces in between is crucial for success. In this article, we will explore the product management triangle, its key regions, and actionable advice to bridge the gap between them.

The White Space:

The white space represents the gaps that exist between developers, the product, users, and the business. White Space A refers to the difference in mental models between developers and users. Developers have intricate knowledge of the product's implementation, while users have their own perception based on their experience. Bridging this gap requires dedicated roles, such as designers, who can understand both perspectives and create a cohesive user experience.

White Space B represents the conversion of value found by users into profit or other benefits for the business. This can happen through direct payment by users or by attracting user attention to sell to advertisers. Understanding how to monetize the product effectively and aligning user needs with business goals is essential in this region.

White Space C exists between the business, the product, and the developers. It involves making decisions on where to allocate funds and development efforts. This requires formulating a clear business vision that guides projects and prioritizing engineering features, chores, or bug fixes. Achieving alignment in this region ensures that resources are allocated optimally.

Synthesis Regions:

Regions AB, BC, and AC are the synthesis regions where inputs from different white space areas come together. In synthesis region AB, inputs from white space A (developers and their understanding) need to merge with inputs from white space B (user value and monetization) to create a coherent story for the users. This synthesis is crucial for a seamless user experience.

Synthesis region BC is where inputs from white space B (user value and monetization) combine with inputs from white space C (business strategy). Here, a comprehensive business strategy can be formulated that aligns user needs with the overall goals of the business.

Synthesis region AC is where the concept of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was born. Product managers play a vital role in this region by focusing design energy on projects that lead to impactful code and balancing design-driven feature development with other engineering priorities. It requires making tough decisions and neglecting certain viewpoints to ensure the success of the product.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Recognize and Fill the White Space: As a product manager, it is crucial to identify the gaps between developers, the product, users, and the business. By recognizing these white spaces, you can allocate resources and roles effectively to bridge the gap and ensure a cohesive product experience.
  • 2. Synthesize Inputs: The synthesis regions are where inputs from different areas converge. It is essential to synthesize these inputs and create a coherent story for users and a comprehensive business strategy. This requires understanding the different perspectives and aligning them towards a common goal.
  • 3. Embrace Tough Decision-Making: Product management often involves making tough decisions and neglecting certain viewpoints. Embrace this aspect and focus on what will lead to the most impactful code and overall product success. Balancing design-driven features with other engineering priorities is crucial for achieving the desired outcomes.


The product management triangle encompasses the interconnectedness between developers, users, and the business. By recognizing and bridging the white spaces, synthesizing inputs, and embracing tough decision-making, product managers can drive success and create a seamless user experience. Understanding the dynamics of the product management triangle and implementing actionable advice can lead to a thriving product ecosystem.

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