Finding Your Passion and Overcoming Comparison Anxiety for Optimal Productivity


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 10, 2023

3 min read


Finding Your Passion and Overcoming Comparison Anxiety for Optimal Productivity


Have you ever wondered why certain tasks seem effortless to you while others feel like a burden? This article explores the concept of identifying what doesn't seem like work to you and how it can guide you towards your true calling. Additionally, we delve into the detrimental effects of comparison anxiety and provide actionable advice on how to overcome it for improved productivity and mental well-being.

Discovering Your True Calling:

If something that seems like work to others doesn't feel like work to you, it's a clear indication that you are well-suited for that particular task or field. Society often judges people based on their conformity to mainstream interests and career paths. However, the stranger your tastes may seem to others, the stronger the evidence that they align with your true calling. Take a moment to reflect on activities or tasks that bring you joy and a sense of fulfillment, even if they might not be traditionally popular or understood by others.

Comparison Anxiety and its Impact:

Comparison anxiety refers to the habit of constantly comparing oneself to others, which can have negative implications on both personal and professional aspects of life. Social comparison is a natural human tendency that helps us make sense of our own behaviors and define our identity. It can motivate us to improve and strive for excellence by comparing ourselves to those we perceive as more competent. However, research suggests that upward comparison, comparing ourselves to those we perceive as superior, can lead to negative feelings and self-evaluation.

Negative Effects of Upward Comparison:

Psychologists have found that upward comparison can hinder cognitive performance and reduce the ability to process information. When we constantly measure ourselves against those we consider superior, we may experience a sense of inadequacy, which can be detrimental to our mental health and productivity. This is particularly relevant in peer-learning situations, where students may feel pressured to outperform their peers and sacrifice their own growth in the process.

Managing Comparison for Optimal Productivity:

While observing others can be beneficial in motivating us to strive for more, it is crucial to manage comparison in a healthy way. Here are three actionable pieces of advice to overcome comparison anxiety and enhance productivity:

  • 1. Focus on Self-Improvement: Instead of constantly comparing yourself to others, shift your focus to personal growth and development. Set goals that are meaningful to you and work towards achieving them without being influenced by others' achievements or timelines.
  • 2. Find Role Models and Mentors: Surround yourself with individuals who inspire you and can serve as role models or mentors. Seek guidance from those who have accomplished what you aspire to achieve. Learn from their experiences and use their success as motivation rather than a source of comparison.
  • 3. Cultivate Gratitude and Self-Acceptance: Practice gratitude for your own unique strengths and accomplishments. Embrace your individuality and understand that everyone has their own journey. Accepting yourself for who you are and appreciating your own progress will help alleviate comparison anxiety and boost your productivity.


Discovering what doesn't feel like work to you is a key step in finding your passion and purpose. By embracing your unique interests and talents, you can align your career and personal pursuits with activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Additionally, overcoming comparison anxiety is essential for optimal productivity and mental well-being. By focusing on self-improvement, seeking inspiration from role models, and cultivating gratitude and self-acceptance, you can break free from the negative effects of comparison and unlock your true potential. Remember, your journey is unique, and comparing yourself to others only hinders your own growth. Embrace your individuality and strive for personal excellence.

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