The Intersection of Time Management and Self-Supervised Learning in the Modern World


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 26, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of Time Management and Self-Supervised Learning in the Modern World


In today's fast-paced world, two distinct yet interconnected concepts have emerged as crucial for success: time management and self-supervised learning. The Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule highlights the importance of managing time effectively, while Self-Taught AI Shows Similarities to How the Brain Works sheds light on the power of self-supervised learning in neural networks. This article aims to explore the commonalities between these two ideas and provide actionable advice for individuals seeking to optimize their productivity and knowledge acquisition.

The Maker's Schedule vs. The Manager's Schedule:

The Maker's Schedule, as described by Paul Graham, emphasizes the need for uninterrupted blocks of time to engage in deep work. For makers such as programmers and writers, short intervals and frequent meetings disrupt the flow of their creative process. On the other hand, the Manager's Schedule, adopted by most powerful individuals, revolves around a command-oriented approach and embraces frequent meetings as an essential part of their work. The clash between these two schedules often leads to inefficiencies and decreased productivity.

Finding a Middle Ground:

To bridge the gap between the Maker's and Manager's Schedules, the concept of office hours has been introduced. By designating specific time slots for meetings and collaboration, individuals on the Maker's Schedule can simulate the Manager's Schedule without sacrificing their ability to engage in deep work. This approach allows for effective time management while still ensuring necessary communication and collaboration.

Self-Supervised Learning: A Paradigm Shift:

In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, self-supervised learning has emerged as a groundbreaking approach. Traditionally, neural networks were trained using labeled data sets, requiring extensive human effort. However, self-supervised learning algorithms have demonstrated the ability to learn from unannotated data, mimicking the way animals, including humans, explore their environment to gain a deep understanding of the world.

Neural Networks and Brain Function:

Recent studies have shown that self-supervised learning models in neural networks exhibit a closer correspondence to brain function compared to supervised learning counterparts. The gap-filling nature of self-supervised algorithms aligns with the brain's ability to predict and infer missing information. Computational models inspired by neural networks have provided valuable insights into the workings of the mammalian visual and auditory systems, showcasing the potential of self-supervised learning in understanding brain function.

The Path to a Comprehensive Understanding:

While self-supervised learning has proven to be a powerful tool, truly comprehending brain function requires further exploration. The brain's intricate feedback connections and the activity of individual biological neurons pose challenges to current models. Future research could focus on training highly recurrent networks using self-supervised learning and comparing their activity to real brain activity. This would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the brain and its learning mechanisms.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace the Maker's Schedule: If you are engaged in creative work that requires deep focus, allocate uninterrupted blocks of time dedicated solely to your tasks. Minimize distractions and create an environment that fosters concentration.
  • 2. Implement Office Hours: If you find yourself needing to balance deep work with collaboration and meetings, consider designating specific time slots for these activities. By doing so, you can maintain your productivity while still staying connected with colleagues and stakeholders.
  • 3. Emulate Self-Supervised Learning: Adopt a curiosity-driven approach to learning and problem-solving. Instead of relying solely on structured and labeled resources, explore and seek out opportunities to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Embrace the process of filling in the gaps and making connections on your own.


The intersection of time management and self-supervised learning offers valuable insights into optimizing productivity and understanding brain function. By recognizing the importance of uninterrupted work and simulating the Manager's Schedule when necessary, individuals can strike a balance between deep work and collaboration. Meanwhile, the adoption of self-supervised learning principles can enhance learning and problem-solving abilities. By incorporating these actionable advice into our lives, we can unlock our full potential in both professional and personal domains.

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