"The Right Way to Ask Users to Review Your App and the Secret to Better Habits in 2023"


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 26, 2023

4 min read


"The Right Way to Ask Users to Review Your App and the Secret to Better Habits in 2023"

In today's digital world, app ratings play a crucial role in determining the success and visibility of an app. Whether it's for search results or top chart rankings, positive app ratings are essential. As a user, I can attest to the fact that a low-rated app is often a red flag for a poor experience. So, how can app developers encourage users to review their app without interrupting their experience or coming across as desperate?

One important aspect is timing. It's crucial not to ask for an app rating right after the app has crashed. This is not only frustrating for users but also counterproductive. Instead, app developers should wait for a likely moment of constructive feedback or a positive rating. This ensures that the users have had enough time to explore the app and form an opinion.

But how do you determine the right time to ask for a review? One approach suggested by Matt Galligan is to wait until the user has opened the app at least 10 times over the course of 3 distinct days. By doing so, app developers can target a smaller group of users who are more likely to give a positive rating. This self-selection process ensures a higher chance of receiving favorable reviews.

When asking for a review, it's essential to frame it as a question rather than begging for a rating. Users should feel empowered to provide feedback and share their opinions. By respecting their experience and asking for their input, app developers can create a more positive interaction that encourages users to leave reviews.

Now, let's shift gears and talk about the secret to better habits in 2023. Developing good habits is a perennial goal for many people, but it's often easier said than done. RyanHoliday.net provides some valuable insights and strategies for cultivating better habits.

Firstly, it's important to think small. Atomic habits, as described by James Clear, are small habits that make a significant difference in our lives. The key is to start with manageable actions that can accumulate over time. In this way, even the smallest habits can have a big impact on our overall well-being and productivity.

Another crucial aspect of building better habits is patience. It's easy to underestimate the time it takes to establish a habit, but as Hofstadter's law suggests, things always take longer than expected. By lengthening our timeline and embracing the journey, we can cultivate the patience needed to stick with our habits and see long-lasting results.

Viewing everything as a challenge can also be a helpful mindset when trying to develop better habits. By reframing difficult tasks as opportunities for growth and improvement, we can approach them with a positive attitude and a willingness to overcome obstacles.

Prioritization is another key factor in habit formation. By doing the important things first, we ensure that they don't get pushed aside or neglected. Setting a bedtime and guarding our sleep is especially crucial in maintaining the energy and clarity needed to carry out our habits effectively.

Saying no to certain commitments is also essential in creating the space and time for our desired habits. Just as RyanHoliday.net mentions, our resources are finite, and it's important to allocate them wisely. By practicing discernment and prioritizing what truly aligns with our goals, we can create a more focused and intentional approach to habit formation.

Discipline plays a vital role in establishing and maintaining habits. As Musonius Rufus famously said, "discipline now, freedom later." By reminding ourselves of the long-term rewards and staying committed to our habits, we can experience the lasting benefits that come from consistent effort.

Creating a supportive environment is another powerful strategy for building better habits. Surrounding ourselves with people who embody the habits we desire can provide positive peer pressure and reinforce our commitment to personal growth. As James Clear emphasizes, our culture sets our expectations for what is considered "normal," so it's crucial to seek out communities that align with our goals.

Lastly, it's important to remember that setbacks are normal and part of the process. No one is perfect, and we all have bad days. The key is to keep coming back to our habits and not give up. As Marcus Aurelius would say, "the soul should not give up when the body is still going strong." By persevering through challenges and staying dedicated to our habits, we can continue making progress and live as grown-ups who are constantly improving.

In conclusion, whether you're an app developer looking for positive reviews or an individual striving for better habits, there are actionable steps you can take. Timing, framing the ask as a question, and targeting a self-selected group of users are effective strategies for encouraging app reviews. Meanwhile, thinking small, practicing patience, prioritizing, and creating a supportive environment are key to developing better habits. By implementing these techniques, you can set yourself up for success in both app development and personal growth. So, go ahead, take action, and watch the positive results unfold.

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