"The Art of Asking Questions and the Power of Journaling"


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 15, 2023

4 min read


"The Art of Asking Questions and the Power of Journaling"


Asking good questions is essential for discovering the truth and gaining knowledge. Questions are versatile instruments that can be used to elicit information, persuade, assess knowledge levels, and establish relationships. There are different types of questions, such as closed and open-ended questions, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and increasing productivity. This article explores the art of asking questions and the benefits of journaling.

1. Story-eliciting Questions:

Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt believes that our minds are story processors rather than logic processors. To find the right question to ask, we can reverse-engineer it from the type of information we want to elicit. By asking story-eliciting questions, we tap into the human inclination to share narratives, which helps in building connections and gaining deeper insights.

2. Chunking Questions:

Chunking questions allow us to navigate the level of detail in a conversation. We can either chunk up or chunk down depending on the situation. Chunking down is useful when the answers are too general or abstract, while chunking up helps us see how the information fits into the larger picture. This technique enables a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.

3. Calibrated Questions:

Former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss introduced the concept of calibrated questions. These open-ended questions that start with "how" are particularly effective in gathering information from a counterpart who may be making demands. Calibrated questions keep negotiations flowing by putting pressure on the other person to come up with answers and consider the problems at hand. Thus, they are an exception to the notion that open questions give control to the respondent.

4. The Columbo Method:

The Columbo Method, inspired by the famous TV detective, emphasizes the importance of making others feel smarter than you are. By asking casual open-ended questions and building rapport, we can create a comfortable environment for deeper questioning. Just when the conversation seems to be wrapping up, we can drop an unexpected observation or question that catches the other person off guard. This method keeps them engaged and promotes more honest and insightful responses.

5. Alexander's Question:

Alexander's Question prompts individuals to reconsider their assumptions and decisions by asking, "What new information would it take to make you change your mind?" This question fosters analytical humility and challenges our initial judgments. It encourages a mindset of continuous learning and growth by acknowledging that we may be wrong and open to new perspectives.

Journaling for Productivity:

In addition to asking good questions, journaling can greatly enhance personal growth and productivity. The incremental journaling method, a flexible approach to interstitial journaling, involves noting down the start of tasks and what we are doing. This practice increases self-awareness, helps us get into the flow state, and improves overall productivity.

Benefits of Journaling:

  • 1. Increased Awareness: Journaling allows us to take notice of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. By regularly writing down how we feel, we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our patterns of behavior. This heightened awareness can lead to positive changes and personal growth.
  • 2. No Structure Required: Journaling does not require a specific structure or format. It can be as free-flowing or structured as we desire. The lack of rigid rules allows for creativity and self-expression, making it accessible to everyone, including those who may struggle with traditional journaling.
  • 3. Overthinking: One of the benefits of journaling is that it encourages us to write without overthinking. We can let our thoughts flow onto the paper without judgment or self-censorship. This liberating practice promotes self-reflection and can lead to valuable insights and breakthroughs.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Incorporate the various questioning techniques discussed in this article into your conversations to elicit meaningful responses and deepen connections.
  • 2. Start an incremental journaling practice by noting down the start of tasks and what you are doing. This simple habit can increase self-awareness and boost productivity.
  • 3. Embrace the freedom of journaling by writing without overthinking. Allow your thoughts to flow onto the paper and explore your inner world without judgment.


Asking good questions is a powerful skill that can lead to discovering the truth and gaining knowledge. By employing techniques such as story-eliciting questions, calibrated questions, and the Columbo Method, we can engage in more meaningful conversations and uncover valuable insights. Additionally, journaling serves as a tool for self-reflection and increased productivity. By incorporating the art of asking questions and the power of journaling into our lives, we can enhance our personal growth and understanding of the world around us.

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