Unveiling Invisible Asymptotes: Lessons from Amazon, Twitter, and Snapchat


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 27, 2023

3 min read


Unveiling Invisible Asymptotes: Lessons from Amazon, Twitter, and Snapchat


In the world of business and technology, companies often encounter invisible asymptotes that hinder their growth. These asymptotes act as ceilings, limiting a company's potential and requiring strategic planning to overcome. By examining the experiences of Amazon, Twitter, and Snapchat, we can gain valuable insights into the nature of these invisible asymptotes and how to identify and address them.

  • 1. Amazon: Unlocking Growth through Understanding Customer Psychology

One of Amazon's most significant invisible asymptotes was shipping fees. Understanding that people had an irrational distaste for paying shipping fees, Amazon implemented solutions such as Amazon Prime and Super Saver Shipping to eliminate this pain point. The key takeaway here is to deeply understand customer psychology and address their hidden aversions to unlock growth potential.

  • 2. Twitter: Differentiating Between Product-Market Fit and Customer Segmentation

Twitter's growth plateaued when it failed to recognize the limits of its product-market fit. While early adopters and power users found value in the platform's core experience, the same did not apply to the broader audience. The solution lies in customer segmentation, creating different products for different users. Mistaking one type of business for the other can be detrimental, so understanding the nature of your product-market fit is crucial.

  • 3. Snapchat: Navigating Generational Divides and Feature Saturation

Snapchat faced a different invisible asymptote – a generational divide. As the platform expanded and accommodated more use cases, early adopters felt that the sharpness and uniqueness of the platform were diluted. Additionally, the platform experienced increasing returns to trolling. To address these challenges, Snapchat should consider breaking up its surface area and introducing structured interactions to rekindle value for different user segments.

  • 4. Identifying Your Company's Invisible Asymptotes

To identify your company's invisible asymptotes, it is essential to listen to your customers. While they may struggle to articulate what they want, they can often pinpoint what they don't want or dislike. By understanding the contours of your customers' demands, you can gain insights into the limits of your product. Additionally, asking why every person in the world doesn't use your product or service can help define the borders of your target market.

  • 5. The Importance of Workflow Design and User Feedback in AI Startups

In the realm of AI startups, focusing on workflow design and fine-tuning models based on user feedback is crucial. Founders who prioritize user control, low cognitive overhead, and innovative interface design will create the best products. Leveraging the latest AI research, swapping in new models, and collecting user feedback will inform the development of more powerful future models.


Unveiling invisible asymptotes is a crucial aspect of long-term business success. By learning from the experiences of companies like Amazon, Twitter, and Snapchat, we can navigate these invisible ceilings and unlock untapped growth potential. To address invisible asymptotes, it is vital to understand customer psychology, differentiate between product-market fit and customer segmentation, and adapt to generational divides. Additionally, AI startups must prioritize workflow design and user feedback to create innovative products. By incorporating these strategies, businesses can overcome invisible asymptotes and thrive in a constantly evolving market.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Deeply understand your customers' psychology and address their hidden aversions to unlock growth potential.
  • 2. Differentiate between product-market fit and customer segmentation to create different products for different user segments.
  • 3. Prioritize workflow design and user feedback to create AI products that give users high levels of control and low cognitive overhead.

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