"Survivorship Bias: The Tale of Forgotten Failures and How to Do Great Work"

Alessio Frateily

Hatched by Alessio Frateily

Dec 07, 2023

3 min read


"Survivorship Bias: The Tale of Forgotten Failures and How to Do Great Work"


Survivorship bias is a common logical error that distorts our understanding of the world. It happens when we assume that success tells the whole story and when we don’t adequately consider past failures. On the other hand, doing great work requires careful consideration and a clear focus on what we choose to work on. In this article, we will explore the concept of survivorship bias and its impact on our perception of success, while also delving into the key steps to doing great work.

Survivorship Bias and Its Influence:

Survivorship bias leads us to believe that success is easily attainable if we replicate the actions of successful people. However, this bias fails to acknowledge the countless failures and challenges that many individuals faced before achieving success. By only focusing on success stories, we miss out on valuable lessons and insights that can be gained from failures. It is important to remember that success is often the result of perseverance, resilience, and learning from past failures.

How to Do Great Work:

Part of the key to doing great work lies in understanding the intersection of various techniques and principles across different fields. By examining the commonalities, we can create a guide that can be applied to any field. The following recipe assumes that you are ambitious and seeking to excel in your chosen field:

1. Determine What to Work On:

The first step is to decide what to work on. To ensure that you can do great work, the chosen endeavor should possess three essential qualities. Firstly, it should align with your natural aptitude, as this will give you a head start and make the learning process more enjoyable. Secondly, you should have a deep interest in the subject matter, as passion is a driving force for excellence. Lastly, the chosen work should offer scope for you to make a significant impact. By combining these qualities, you can find a field or project that allows you to showcase your skills and potential.

2. Embrace the Intersection:

As you embark on your journey of doing great work, it is crucial to embrace the intersection of ideas, techniques, and principles. By exploring different fields and learning from diverse sources, you can gather a wealth of knowledge and insights. Seek out experts and thought leaders in your field, but don't be afraid to look beyond your immediate domain. By incorporating ideas from various disciplines, you can bring a fresh perspective to your work and stand out from the crowd.

3. Cultivate Ambition and Perseverance:

Ambition is a key driver of great work. While it is important to be realistic, ambitious individuals tend to achieve more than those who set modest goals. Aim high and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Develop a growth mindset that embraces challenges and treats failures as opportunities for growth. Persevere in the face of setbacks and setbacks, and learn from each failure. Remember, success is often the result of continuous improvement and learning from past mistakes.


Survivorship bias can distort our perception of success, leading us to overlook the failures and challenges that others have faced. By understanding the impact of survivorship bias, we can approach success with a more realistic and balanced perspective. Additionally, by following the key steps to doing great work, such as selecting the right endeavor, embracing the intersection of ideas, and cultivating ambition and perseverance, we can increase our chances of making a significant impact in our chosen field. So, let us strive to learn from both successes and failures, and forge our own paths towards greatness.

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