The Power of Diversifying Your Thinking: From Old Books to Mindful Showers

Tara H

Hatched by Tara H

Oct 02, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Diversifying Your Thinking: From Old Books to Mindful Showers


In a world filled with information and countless perspectives, it is essential to break free from the confines of traditional thinking. This article explores two seemingly unrelated ideas - the cost of reading only old books and the potential for creative thinking during mindless activities like showering. By examining these concepts, we can uncover the importance of diversifying our thoughts and embracing new perspectives.

The Cost of Reading Only Old Books:

It is all too easy to fall into the trap of relying solely on classic literature or well-established texts for our knowledge and worldview. While these books have undoubtedly shaped countless minds, it is crucial to recognize that our own experiences and perspectives may differ significantly. Just because 99 people read a particular book and arrived at a specific worldview does not mean it will hold true for everyone.

By limiting our reading choices to the canon, we risk missing out on fresh ideas, diverse voices, and contemporary insights. It is essential to expand our literary horizons and explore a wide range of authors, genres, and perspectives to challenge our own beliefs and broaden our understanding of the world.

Why You May Do Your Best Thinking in the Shower:

Mindless activities like showering provide an opportunity for our minds to wander and enter a state of mindfulness known as "flow." During these moments, our subconscious thoughts have room to roam beyond the immediate task at hand, leading to unexpected insights and breakthroughs.

While deliberate thinking can consume our mental bandwidth, engaging in seemingly mindless tasks allows our subconscious to process ideas in the background. Friedrich Nietzsche famously walked to stimulate his thinking, acknowledging that "All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking." Similarly, the shower offers us a chance to detach from deliberate thought and tap into the power of our subconscious.

Connecting the Dots:

At first glance, the connection between the cost of reading only old books and the power of mindless activities may seem tenuous. However, both concepts emphasize the importance of diversifying our thinking and embracing new perspectives.

Just as reading a variety of books allows us to challenge our preconceptions and expand our knowledge, engaging in mindless activities offers us a chance to tap into our subconscious and discover unexpected insights. By combining these practices, we can enhance our creativity, critical thinking, and overall intellectual growth.

Three Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace a diverse reading list: Challenge yourself to read books from various genres, time periods, and cultures. Seek out authors whose perspectives differ from your own and engage with contemporary voices to stay informed about current issues and debates.
  • 2. Cultivate mindful moments: Incorporate moments of mindlessness into your routine, whether it is during a shower, a walk, or any other "mindless" activity. Allow your mind to wander and observe the thoughts that arise naturally. Practice being present in these moments and see what insights emerge.
  • 3. Seek out intellectual challenges: Engage in discussions and debates with individuals who hold differing opinions. Surround yourself with people who can offer unique perspectives and challenge your own beliefs. By embracing intellectual challenges, you can foster personal growth and expand your understanding of the world.


In a world where information is abundant, it is crucial to break free from the confines of traditional thinking. By diversifying our reading choices and embracing mindless activities, we can tap into the power of our subconscious and discover new insights. Embracing diverse perspectives and challenging our own beliefs is essential for personal and intellectual growth. So, let us step out of the canon and into the shower, where the mind can roam freely and ideas can flourish.

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