Blockchain technology, which enables secure, access-controlled data exchange, could prove valuable for data sharing.
Clorox is one of many companies taking action. It is investing $500 million in upgrading its digital capabilities, citing the need for real-time visibility and better demand planning.
“Supply chain and operations teams must develop new capabilities―and quickly. Playing to a more balanced scorecard will require a lot of changes: reducing the carbon footprint, building greater resilience in the supply chain, creating more transparency, and ensuring accountability,” says Bain & Co in a new report.
More broadly, there is a recognition that resiliency is impossible unless buyers, suppliers and other parties along a value chain are willing to share data and collaborate. Reuters report Where’s My Stuff? suggests businesses could share sensitive data with partners by creating “cleanrooms”, where joint teams can perform analysis without fear that ...
Two years into the pandemic, the global supply chain continues to sputter and break down.
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