There are big variants between countries, however, with 66% in Brazil reporting having a gay or lesbian relative, friend or colleague, while that figure is just 7% in Japan and South Korea.
Globally, 1% of adults currently describe themselves as transgender, non-binary, non-conforming, gender-fluid or “in another way”, rather than as male or female, according to a new survey.
More than 19,000 people, aged 16 to 74, were canvassed in 27 different countries between 23 April and 7 May for the Ipsos LGBT+ Pride 2021 Global Survey. Of those adults surveyed, an average of 80% identified as heterosexual while 3% identified as gay, lesbian or homosexual. Four percent responded to say they were bisexual, 1% as pansexual or omni...
Germany and Sweden have the highest proportion of people identifying as other than male or female, at 3%.
Generation gap A higher percentage of younger people described their gender as other than male or female, according to the survey. Among ‘Generation Z’ – those born since 1997 who are no older than 24 – a global average of 4% of respondents identified as transgender, non-binary, non-conforming, gender-fluid, or “in another way” other than male or...
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