Trail of Broken Treaties 20-Point Position Paper - An Indian Ma - trail-of-broken-treaties-20-point-position-paper-1972.pdf thumbnail
Trail of Broken Treaties 20-Point Position Paper - An Indian Ma - trail-of-broken-treaties-20-point-position-paper-1972.pdf
ESTABLISHMENT OF TREATY COMMISSION TO MAKE NEW TREATIES: The President should impanel, and the Congress establish, with next year, a Treaty Commission to contract a security and assistance treaty of treaties, with Indian people to negotiate a national commitment to the future of Indian people for th
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  • ESTABLISHMENT OF TREATY COMMISSION TO MAKE NEW TREATIES: The President should impanel, and the Congress establish, with next year, a Treaty Commission to contract a security and assistance treaty of treaties, with Indian people to negotiate a national commitment to the future of Indian people for the last quarter of the Twentieth Century. Authority...
  • COMMISSION TO REVIEW TREATY COMMITMENTS & VIOLATIONS: The President should immediately create a multi-lateral, Indian and non-Indian Commission to review domestic treaty commitments and complaints of chronic violations and to recommend or act for corrective actions including the imposition of mandatory sanctions or interim restraints upon violative...
  • At minimum, Indian Nations have to reclaim community education authority to allow creative education processes in forms of their free choice, in a system of federally sanctioned unit or consolidated Indian districts, supported by a mandatory recognition of accreditation in all other systems in this land.

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