The Meaning of Social Order in Sociology thumbnail
The Meaning of Social Order in Sociology
The question of how social order is achieved and maintained is the question that gave birth to the field of sociology. Durkheim theorized that it was through the culture shared by a group, community, or society that a sense of social connection—what he called solidarity—emerged between and among peo
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  • The question of how social order is achieved and maintained is the question that gave birth to the field of sociology.
  • Durkheim theorized that it was through the culture shared by a group, community, or society that a sense of social connection—what he called solidarity—emerged between and among people and that worked to bind them together into a collective
  • In primitive and traditional societies Durkheim observed that sharing these things was enough to create a "mechanical solidarity" that bound the group together.
  • In the larger, more diverse, and urbanized societies of modern times, Durkheim observed that it was the recognition of the need to rely on each other to fulfill different roles and functions that bound society together.
  • formative roles in fostering a collective conscience in both traditional and modern societies

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