What Are the Parts of a Short Story? (How to Write Them) thumbnail
What Are the Parts of a Short Story? (How to Write Them)
Short stories have a relatively broad range of lengths, between 1,000 and 7,500 words. If you are writing for a class or publication, your teacher or editor might give you specific page requirements. If you double space, 1000 words in 12-point font cover between three and four pages. However, it is
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Short stories should have a plot, character development, tension, climax, and falling action. The first person point of view is good for showing a character's thoughts and feelings, while the third person can allow the writer to tell the story as an outsider. The opening paragraphs should quickly depict the setting of the story, including the time and social setting. Conflict is the problem or challenge that the main character faces, and the tension created is what keeps the reader interested. The climax is the turning point where a decision is made or change occurs, and the last part of the story should resolve any questions left after the climactic events take place. Feedback from peers can help improve the story.

Top Highlights

  • Short stories have a relatively broad range of lengths, between 1,000 and 7,500 words. If you are writing for a class or publication, your teacher or editor might give you specific page requirements. If you double space, 1000 words in 12-point font cover between three and four pages. However, it is important not to limit yourself to any page limit...

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