Learn Express Numbers in English thumbnail
Learn Express Numbers in English
Expressing numbers in English can be confusing to both students and those listening. Make sure you understand how to express numbers in spoken English by following these rules. Exceptions to this rule are: 1/4, 3/4 - one-quarter, three quarters 1/3, 2/3 - one third, two-thirds 1/2 - one-half Height
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  • Expressing numbers in English can be confusing to both students and those listening. Make sure you understand how to express numbers in spoken English by following these rules.
  • Exceptions to this rule are: 1/4, 3/4 - one-quarter, three quarters 1/3, 2/3 - one third, two-thirds 1/2 - one-half
  • Height - 6'2''. Read height in feet and then inches: six feet two inches
  • Dates: 12/04/65. Read dates month, day, year in the U.S.

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