What Is Colonialism? Definition and Examples thumbnail
What Is Colonialism? Definition and Examples
“Scramble for Africa,” Colonialism is the practice of one country taking full or partial political control of another country and occupying it with settlers for purposes of profiting from its resources and economy. such as common law, private property rights, and formal banking and lending practices
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Colonialism is when one country takes control of another country for economic gain. This involves sending settlers to occupy the land and exploiting its resources. The goal is to make a profit, and colonial powers often introduce systems like common law and private property rights to facilitate economic growth. However, it is debatable whether these developments would have occurred naturally. One notable example of colonialism is the "Scramble for Africa," where European powers rapidly colonized the continent. The impact of colonialism can still be seen today, particularly in the diaspora of people who were forcibly displaced during this period.

Top Highlights

  • “Scramble for Africa,”
  • Colonialism is the practice of one country taking full or partial political control of another country and occupying it with settlers for purposes of profiting from its resources and economy.
  • such as common law, private property rights, and formal banking and lending practices provided the colonies a positive basis for economic growth that would propel them to future independence.

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