Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian Novelist thumbnail
Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian Novelist
Dostoevsky began embracing the ideals of socialism downturn in his literary and financial fortunes seizures and other health problems They were sentenced to be executed and were only reprieved at the last possible moment when a letter from the tsar arrived just before the execution, commuting their
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  • Dostoevsky began embracing the ideals of socialism
  • downturn in his literary and financial fortunes
  • seizures and other health problems
  • They were sentenced to be executed and were only reprieved at the last possible moment when a letter from the tsar arrived just before the execution, commuting their sentences to exile and hard labor followed by conscription
  • March 1874, Dostoevsky decided to leave his work at The Citizen; the stress of the work and the constant surveillance, court cases, and interference by the government proved too much for him and his precarious health to handle

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