Words for Talking About Art and Critiquing Paintings thumbnail
Words for Talking About Art and Critiquing Paintings
Dark, light, mid (middle) Flat, uniform, unvarying, smooth, plain Varied, broken Constant, changing Graduated, contrasting Monochromatic Arrangement, layout, structure, position Landscape format, portrait format, square format, circular, triangular Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, angled Foreground,
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  • Dark, light, mid (middle) Flat, uniform, unvarying, smooth, plain Varied, broken Constant, changing Graduated, contrasting Monochromatic
  • Arrangement, layout, structure, position Landscape format, portrait format, square format, circular, triangular Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, angled Foreground, background, middle ground Centered, asymmetrical, symmetrical, balanced, unbalanced, lopsided, off-center Overlapping, cluttered, chaotic Separate, spacious, empty Free, flowing, fragment...
  • Flat, polished, smooth Raised, rough, coarse Cut, incised, pitted, scratched, uneven Hairy, sticky Soft, hard Shiny, glossy, reflective Semigloss, satin, silk, frosted, matte
  • Visible, impasto, blended, smooth Thick, thin Bold, timid Heavy, light Edgy, smooth Exhibiting glazes, washes, scumbling, dry brushing, stippling, hatching, splatters Layered, flat Precise, refined, regular, straight, systematic Quick, sketchy, uneven, irregular, vigorous Regular, patterned Exhibiting marks made with a knife, brush
  • Calm, content, peaceful, relaxed, tranquil Cheerful, happy, joyful, romantic Depressed, gloomy, miserable, sad, somber, tearful, unhappy Aggressive, angry, chilling, dark, distressing, frightening, violent Energetic, exciting, stimulating, thought-provoking Boring, dull, lifeless, insipid

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