Natural Responsiveness | The Odin Project thumbnail
Natural Responsiveness | The Odin Project
in general the smaller your widths the more likely it’s fine to make them fixed. It simply sets the initial width of the webpage to the size of the actual screen you’re viewing it on, and telling it not to zoom in or out. Easy! When a max-width is defined, the element will not exceed that width but
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  • in general the smaller your widths the more likely it’s fine to make them fixed.
  • It simply sets the initial width of the webpage to the size of the actual screen you’re viewing it on, and telling it not to zoom in or out. Easy!
  • When a max-width is defined, the element will not exceed that width but will shrink if the screen is too small to accommodate it.
  • isn’t going to benefit from using max-width because you probably don’t want it to shrink.
  • Avoid fixed width and height

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