media-driven polarization as a social pro- cess (28) and propose a mechanism—information cascades—by which a polarized information ecosystem can indirectly polarize society by causing individuals to self-sort into emergent homoge- neous social networks even when they do not know others’ politi- cal identities.
Online social media platforms are especially prone to infor- mation cascades since the primary affordances of these services involve social networking and information sharing
the interplay between information and social orga- nization could be one driver that is currently overlooked in discussions of political polarization
information cascades cause social networks to become increasingly politically sorted as the information ecosys- tem becomes less correlated
Since individuals tend to break ties with others they see as acting out of sync with the real- ity presented by their preferred news source, uncorrelated news coverage quickly causes individuals to experience a net loss of social ties with individuals of the different ideology
Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.