Invasive species triggers a massive loss of ecosystem services through a trophic cascade - walsh-et-al-2016-invasive-species-triggers-a-massive-loss-of-ecosystem-services-through-a-trophic-cascade.pdf thumbnail
Invasive species triggers a massive loss of ecosystem services through a trophic cascade - walsh-et-al-2016-invasive-species-triggers-a-massive-loss-of-ecosystem-services-through-a-trophic-cascade.pdf
predatory zooplankton, the spiny water flea (Bythotrephes longimanus), invaded the Laurentian Great Lakes in the 1980s and has subsequently undergone secondary spread to inland lakes, including Lake Mendota (Wisconsin), in 2009. In Lake Mendota, Bythotrephes has reached unparalleled densities compar
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  • predatory zooplankton, the spiny water flea (Bythotrephes longimanus), invaded the Laurentian Great Lakes in the 1980s and has subsequently undergone secondary spread to inland lakes, including Lake Mendota (Wisconsin), in 2009. In Lake Mendota, Bythotrephes has reached unparalleled densities compared with in other lakes, decreasing biomass of the ...
  • uch extreme cases of eco- nomic damages call for increased investment in the prevention and control of invasive species to better maximize the economic benefits of such programs
  • Freshwater ecosystems are a cornerstone of human society, providing drinking water, fisheries, pollution dilution, recreation, and other goods and services
  • Daphnia, a genus of freshwater zooplankton, improves water quality by consuming algae (15, 16). Accordingly, lakes are sometimes managed to support large Daphnia populations by re- ducing the abundance of their predators
  • ince the detection of Bythotrephes in 2009, average water clarity in Lake Mendota has declined by 0.9 m (Fig. 2F) alongside a 60% reduction in D. pulicaria biomass

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