Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory - erickson-et-al-2011-exercise-training-increases-size-of-hippocampus-and-improves-memory.pdf thumbnail
Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory - erickson-et-al-2011-exercise-training-increases-size-of-hippocampus-and-improves-memory.pdf
The hippocampus shrinks in late adulthood, leading to impaired memory and increased risk for dementia. Hippocampal and medial temporal lobe volumes are larger in higher-fit adults, and physical activity training increases hippocampal perfusion, but the extent to which aerobic exercise training can m
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  • The hippocampus shrinks in late adulthood, leading to impaired memory and increased risk for dementia. Hippocampal and medial temporal lobe volumes are larger in higher-fit adults, and physical activity training increases hippocampal perfusion, but the extent to which aerobic exercise training can modify hippocampal volume in late adulthood remains...
  • preintervention fitness partially attenuated the decline, suggesting that fitness protects against volume loss.
  • We found that the exercise intervention was effective at increasing the size of the hippocampus. That is, the aerobic exercise group demonstrated an increase in volume of the left and right hippocampus by 2.12% and 1.97%, respectively, over the 1-y period, whereas the stretching control group dis- played a 1.40% and 1.43% decline over this same int...
  • aerobic exercise training is effective at reversing hip- pocampal volume loss in late adulthood, which is accompanied by improved memory function
  • Physical activity, such as aerobic exercise, has emerged as a promising low- cost treatment to improve neurocognitive function that is acces- sible to most adults and is not plagued by intolerable side effects often found with pharmaceutical treatments (3). Exercise enhances learning and improves retention, which is accompanied by increased cell pr...

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