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GRK5 is a regulator of fibroblast activation and cardiac fibrosis | PNAS
GRK5 is highly expressed and active in cardiac fibroblasts; angiotensin II (AngII)-mediated fibroblast activation decreased fibrosis and cardiac hypertrophy nuclear translocation of GRK5 is involved in fibroblast activation GRK5 is a major GRK isoform expressed in the heart and it has been shown to
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GRK5 is highly expressed and active in cardiac fibroblasts;
angiotensin II (AngII)-mediated fibroblast activation
decreased fibrosis and cardiac hypertrophy
nuclear translocation of GRK5 is involved in fibroblast activation
GRK5 is a major GRK isoform expressed in the heart and it has been shown to be up-regulated in the myocardium of HF patients
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