Broad and thematic remodeling of the surfaceome and glycoproteome on isogenic cells transformed with driving proliferative oncogenes | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Broad and thematic remodeling of the surfaceome and glycoproteome on isogenic cells transformed with driving proliferative oncogenes | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
we do not know how expression of different oncogenes globally alters glycosylation on the individual proteins at a proteome-wide scale The expression of PTPRF and PTPRS, in particular, has been associated with decreased metastasis through the inactivation of EGFR signaling, emphasizing their importa
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  • we do not know how expression of different oncogenes globally alters glycosylation on the individual proteins at a proteome-wide scale
  • The expression of PTPRF and PTPRS, in particular, has been associated with decreased metastasis through the inactivation of EGFR signaling, emphasizing their importance as tumor suppressor proteins in numerous cancer contexts (66, 67).

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