Cytoplasmic MTOCs control spindle orientation for asymmetric cell division in plants | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Cytoplasmic MTOCs control spindle orientation for asymmetric cell division in plants | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
F-actin and Myo8 are not required for gametosome formation. The final division plane angles of classified cells were compared with control cells (n = 5) using t test. ***P < 0.02; ns, P > 0.5. Illustration of the spindle angle (within 30° or over 30°) on the right of graph. The dotted line shows 30°
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  • F-actin and Myo8 are not required for gametosome formation.
  • The final division plane angles of classified cells were compared with control cells (n = 5) using t test. ***P < 0.02; ns, P > 0.5. Illustration of the spindle angle (within 30° or over 30°) on the right of graph. The dotted line shows 30°, and the gray structure indicates the spindle.
  • Actin inhibition has little impact on division plane determination of the gametophore initial division. (A) Localization of actin filaments during the first gametophore division visualized by the Lifeact-GFP marker. No twin peaks pattern or accumulation at the presumed gametosome location could be observe
  • Effectiveness of latrunculin B was confirmed with the treatment of the Lifeact-GFP line.

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