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Actin retrograde flow actively aligns and orients ligand-engaged integrins in focal adhesions | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
background fluorescence was estimated by averaging the dimmest 10 percentile pixels within a 5-pixel wide ring outside of the mask. F-actin flow vectors, output by flow analysis of speckle tracks, with signal-to-noise ratio of >2 were kept for further analysis. For mean flow velocities in Fig. 3K, k
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background fluorescence was estimated by averaging the dimmest 10 percentile pixels within a 5-pixel wide ring outside of the mask.
F-actin flow vectors, output by flow analysis of speckle tracks, with signal-to-noise ratio of >2 were kept for further analysis.
For mean flow velocities in Fig. 3K, kymographs were drawn in the lamellipodia region in Metamorph and flow velocities calculated based on slopes.
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