Engineering dynamical control of cell fate switching using synthetic phospho-regulons | PNAS thumbnail
Engineering dynamical control of cell fate switching using synthetic phospho-regulons | PNAS
we developed modular peptide tags for engineering synthetic phosphorylation circuits. We used these phospho-regulons to build synthetic dual-timescale networks in which the dynamic responsiveness of a cell fate decision can be selectively tuned. Here, we report the development of a modular approach
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  • we developed modular peptide tags for engineering synthetic phosphorylation circuits. We used these phospho-regulons to build synthetic dual-timescale networks in which the dynamic responsiveness of a cell fate decision can be selectively tuned.
  • Here, we report the development of a modular approach for flexibly engineering phosphorylation circuits using designed phospho-regulon motifs. By then linking rapid phospho-feedback with slower downstream transcription-based bistable switches, we can construct synthetic dual-timescale circuits in yeast in which the triggering dynamics and the end-s...


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