Compensatory changes in cellular excitability, not synaptic scaling, contribute to homeostatic recovery of embryonic network activity | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Compensatory changes in cellular excitability, not synaptic scaling, contribute to homeostatic recovery of embryonic network activity | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
We find that GABAA receptor blockade triggers fast changes in cellular excitability that occur during the recovery of activity but before changes in synaptic scaling. This increase in cellular excitability is mediated in part by an increase in sodium currents and a reduction in the fast-inactivating
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  • We find that GABAA receptor blockade triggers fast changes in cellular excitability that occur during the recovery of activity but before changes in synaptic scaling. This increase in cellular excitability is mediated in part by an increase in sodium currents and a reduction in the fast-inactivating and calcium-activated potassium currents. These f...
  • Further, we find a special role for the GABAA receptor in triggering several homeostatic mechanisms after activity perturbations, including changes in cellular excitability and GABAergic and AMPAergic synaptic strength. The temporal difference in expression of homeostatic changes in cellular excitability and synaptic strength suggests that there ar...



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