hese findings are in greater agreement with the dual streammodel by Hickok and Poeppel (8), which includes a ventralstream mostly involving temporal lobe regions, including theposterior and anterior MTGs, and a dorsal stream extendingfrom area Spt to the LIFG and lateral premotor cortex.
n fact, our cortical regions with the highest ex-pression of negative Component 2 loadings (i.e., the dorsal stream)were the pars opercularis, a region classically considered as theposterior portion of Broca’s area, the premotor cortex, and themiddle frontal gyrus (Table S3)
The dorsal streamextends from anterior speech areas, including pars opercularis andpremotor areas, to posterior regions in the SMG and straddles theedge of area Spt
n conclusion, this data-driven study empirically defines theboundaries of the dorsal and ventral streams, regions that are cru-cial for successful speech processing.
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