The field of regenerative medicine encom- passes numerous strategies, including the use of materials and de novo generated cells, as well as various combinations thereof, to take the place of missing tissue, effectively replac- ing it both structurally and functionally, or to contribute to tissue healing (5). The body’s innate healing response may ...
Carticel, the first FDA-approved biologic product in the orthopedic field, uses autolo- gous chondrocytes for the treatment of focal articular cartilage defects
Epicel, autologous keratinocytes for severe burn wounds; and the harvest of cord blood to obtain hematopoietic pro- genitor and stem cells.
the material can mimic the native extracellular matrix (ECM) of tissues and di- rect cell behavior, contribute to the structure and function of new tissue, and locally present growth factors (11).
or as tissue substitutes (CryoLife and Toronto’s heart valve substitutes and cardiac patches)
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