Infants’ brain responses to speech suggest Analysis by Synthesis thumbnail
Infants’ brain responses to speech suggest Analysis by Synthesis
In bothexperiments, 7-mo-old infants respond equivalently to native andnonnative contrasts in both auditory and motor brain areas. Weargue that speech production experience in the early months oflife yields a nascent auditory-articulatory map, one with prop-erties of an emergent“schema”that goes bey
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  • In bothexperiments, 7-mo-old infants respond equivalently to native andnonnative contrasts in both auditory and motor brain areas.
  • Weargue that speech production experience in the early months oflife yields a nascent auditory-articulatory map, one with prop-erties of an emergent“schema”that goes beyond specific action-sound pairings to specify generative rules relating articulatorymovements to sound. This emerging auditory-articulatory mapis likely abstract, but allows infants...
  • Our results suggest that motor brain areas play a role inspeech learning, one we believe is consistent with an AxS view
  • we posit that infants use prior speech production experi-ence to generate internal motor models of speech as they listento us talk

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