Ancient origin of the integrin-mediated adhesion and signaling machinery thumbnail
Ancient origin of the integrin-mediated adhesion and signaling machinery
To date thismachinery has been considered strictly metazoan specific. Weperformedsearchesforthetwointegrinsubunits(αandβ)plusall of the other proteins that are directly involved in the integrin-mediated ad-hesion and signaling complex A primarysearch to collect putative initial candidates was perfor
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  • To date thismachinery has been considered strictly metazoan specific.
  • Weperformedsearchesforthetwointegrinsubunits(αandβ)plusall of the other proteins that are directly involved in the integrin-mediated ad-hesion and signaling complex
  • A primarysearch to collect putative initial candidates was performed using the basiclocal alignment sequence tool (BLAST: blastp and tblastn) usingHomo sapiens
  • To identify distant homologsthat might have escaped these simple searches, two additional methodswere used. The same BLAST search was repeated using homologs fromnonmetazoan taxa, such asDictyostelium,Capsaspora,orAmastigomonas,as queries instead ofHomosequences. Additionally, for integrinβ, integrinα, vinculin, talin, and FAK, we performed protein...
  • Alignments were constructed for all proteins using theMuscl

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