Behavioral experiments on biased voting in networks thumbnail
Behavioral experiments on biased voting in networks
we find thatthere are well-studied network topologies in which the minoritypreference consistently wins globally; that the presence of ‘‘ex-tremist’’ individuals, or the awareness of opposing incentives,reliably improve collective performance; and that certain behav-ioral characteristics of individu
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  • we find thatthere are well-studied network topologies in which the minoritypreference consistently wins globally; that the presence of ‘‘ex-tremist’’ individuals, or the awareness of opposing incentives,reliably improve collective performance; and that certain behav-ioral characteristics of individual subjects, such as ‘‘stubbornness,’’are strongly...
  • In particular, the variations in individualbehavior and the apparently helpful presence of ‘‘extremists’’raise the question of whether certain mixtures of behaviors andattitudes are required for optimal collective problem-solving.
  • Itwould also be interesting to use the data from our experimentsto develop richer statistical models of individual and populationbehavior, whose predictions in turn could be tested on furtherbehavioral experiments.

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